

話一說出 舉世嘩然 自然也能繼續的衍生一堆好玩的事囉

昨晚用餐時間 跟老妹一起觀看早先錄製起來的

Euro2012預賽 丹麥 vs 葡萄牙 這場誰贏就能直接晉級大賽的比賽


所謂的"英雌"所見略同  老妹說 她也是不知道為什麼就是打某人一出道就看不對眼 哈哈


不過 看著看著 突然想到上海大師賽開打 輪到Nadal Murray分別出場


好玩的是 轉台前 老妹問 那最後結局是怎樣


一個人高帥富又不能保證會贏球  畢竟足球是團隊競賽

一人閃光有時的確也會贏球 不過在這種全場觀眾士氣如虹的賽事中

丹麥隊將士用命 真的一個個都會腎上腺素大爆發 打得格外的行雲流水 衝勁十足

所以要讓某人的球隊打附加賽 也算是一個讓人滿意的結局了  哈哈



本週要到客場挑戰皇家馬德里的皇家貝蒂斯教練 就又哪壺不開提哪壺的以此話題開講


Betis' Pepe Mel: I prefer Scarlett Johansson to Real Madrid's Cristiano Ronaldo

The 48-year-old coach thinks the American actress is better looking than the Portuguese striker, while admitting the player's salary makes him a wealthy man


Betis coach Pepe Mel has mocked Real Madrid star Cristiano Ronaldo following the forward's comments about fans' jealousy by suggesting he prefers the looks of Scarlett Johansson.

The Portugal international stunned everyone when he said last month the whistles he received from fans were driven by jealousy because of his looks, football talent and salary.

Speaking ahead of Betis' clash at Real Madrid, Pepe Mel played down Ronaldo's remarks, saying the 26-year-old does not top his list of beautiful people.

"The thing about him being good looking is debatable," he told Antena 3. "I like Scarlett Johansson more than Cristiano Ronaldo.

"About him being rich, that is something obvious, we are talking about figures and no one can argue with that."

Pepe Mel's side travel to the capital to face Real Madrid this Saturday.


這個教練挺幽默的 竟然找個好萊塢女星來比較



皇家貝蒂斯這個賽季新轉來的巴拉圭前鋒Santa Cruz的條件其實比某人還高

191/80 vs 185/83  論身高 某人就先輸了


論長相  雖然是見仁見智  不過SantaCruz的帥哥稱號絕對比某人還要來得久



說不定皇家貝蒂斯所有球員的薪水加起來 還真的不一定比某人高

這一點  連貝蒂斯的教練都承認  的確是沒人能跟他比啦 


人比人 氣死人

要用高帥富這種內容挑起所謂"比較性"的話題 只能說 某人有夠寶


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