哈哈 這真的是今天上班前最大的驚喜了

2012年溫布頓開賽在即  一些經典賽事紛紛上演


20歲的Ivanisevic與22歲的Agassi 的1992年溫網決賽


超嫩的依凡 跟 馬尾阿格西 

兩位小伙子打球的帥與快  真的讓人賞心悅目

是說寶貝跟蠻牛跟他們比的話  老實說真的顯得比較愛拖拉耶

依凡 一發球就ACE  或是 一發球就上網   快速 簡單 有力






沒錯 正是今日的阿格西&葛拉芙夫婦(Andre Agassi & Steffi Graf)

(**圖說: A look back at a magical Wimbledon in which Andre Agassi beat Goran Ivanisevic in a dramatic five-set men’s final, while Steffi Graf was victorious against Monica Seles in the women’s.)




May 26, 2012   Taipei,Taiwan   


40歲的Ivanisevic與42歲的Agassi   在台北相聚


兩位當年網球大帥哥來到了台灣  阿格西更是把老婆大人  一代球后葛拉芙都一起帶來了

只可惜球迷當天早有前約 無法一睹兩王一后的風采

當時唯一跟伊凡與阿格西有關連的事物竟然是朋友老公的車因為這場比賽而被塞在小巨蛋附近   哈哈



球迷喜歡的幾位帥哥   這些年一一來到台灣 

從Safin Agassi 到 Ivan   下次不曉得Ferrero要不要來呀  哈哈

不過球迷這種說法真的是 ~~~完全是在看人而不是看球   這恐怕不太好哩 (見笑了~~~)


球迷雖然迷很多東西   私底下卻完全不是追星族的料  

米蘭這十年來得到兩次歐冠 球迷也因此到橫濱看了兩屆三場的米蘭世俱杯賽事

只有看球  完全沒有追星之舉   實在是相當的理性

不過大老遠能夠飛到日本看球 沒有一點點粉絲的癡狂 恐怕也辦不到啦!!!



這次寶貝要來台參加表演賽  有人好奇球迷到底要不要去追星?


就如之前回答過網友的  真要看球 球迷恐怕會選擇看正式賽事 比較有真實感

印象中 球迷有三次大滿貫過門而不入的記錄(*說的自己好像是大禹一樣哩!)


只是當時有要事在身  只能以羨慕的眼光與一群群要去看美網的觀眾擦身而過

現在想想   那 還真的是很奇特的人生經驗

美網大門就在眼前 卻是不能入內觀賞




2012年9月  當寶貝來到台灣的時候

球迷可能會選擇去聽永恆的羅密歐(2012-2013 NSO開季音樂會)

而不會前去一會現實生活上  Jelena的羅密歐 

這或許也是LKK球迷 人生的現實選擇! (一場的感官瘋狂 vs 一季的心靈饗宴)  




除了打網球 還跑去踢過足球

球迷不知怎的 竟然還記得他參加過米蘭著名的中場球星博班Boban的退役比賽

(球迷那時還抓過大家的合照,不過電腦掛了照片自然也沒啦 只能沒圖沒真相了)

Ivanišević also participated in an exhibition match of the Croatian national team of 1998 versus the International football stars on 7 October 2002 in Zagreb. It was the last career match of Croatian midfielder and team captain Zvonimir Boban. Ivanišević scored the goal for 1–1 (the game ended 2–1 for the International stars).---from wiki




今早看的這場古早版溫布頓決賽  真的很精彩


上午看到這場比賽時 差一點就要在家中仰天長"笑"了

以下是wiki網頁上 對於這場賽事的介紹 光看文字就很有fu

更何況是看到這場比賽  哈~~(真的是笑在心頭 久久不停止呀!!!)

In 1992, Ivanišević steamrolled his way to reach his first Wimbledon singles final, having defeated Ivan Lendl, Stefan Edberg, and Pete Sampras in succession. In the final he faced Andre Agassi and was heavily favored to win; both players were attempting to win their first Grand Slam title. Agassi eventually won 6–7, 6–4, 6–4, 1–6, 6–4. In the 5th set, Ivanišević had a break point on Agassi's serve at 3 all, but did not convert it. In the final game of the match, he served 2 double faults to start the game, even though he had 5 for the entire match before that. His ace count for the tournament (200+) at the time was the highest in the history of ATP. He served 39 aces that day, while Agassi had 37 for the entire tournament. It was a tough loss, but as he was only 20 years old, a bright future was predicted. Later that summer at the Olympic Games in Barcelona, Ivanišević won bronze medals in both singles and doubles representing Croatia, a state that had only recently declared independence. He also won four singles titles that year.




以下 先抓網上資料來紀錄並紀念一下!


1992 -- Won four singles titles en route to his first appearance in the World Championship, where he lost 7-6 in the third in SF to eventual winner Becker...Lost to Agassi in a five-set final at Wimbledon where he fired 206 aces during the fortnight...Earned bronze medal at Barcelona Olympics in singles and doubles


2001 -- Despite playing with a left shoulder injury most of season, Croat fulfilled a dream come true by winning his first Wimbledon title after three previous runner-up efforts...

The All England Club gave him a wild card into Wimbledon and 125th-ranked player made most of his opportunity, beating Roddick in 3rd RD, Rusedski in 4th RD, Safin in QF, Henman in a five-set SF that stretched over three days and Rafter in an epic five-set final...It was first singles final played in its entirety on a Monday since 1922...Rafter, who was within two points of victory in final set, was broken in 15th game of fifth and Croat served it out to win 63 36 63 26 97...It was longest fifth-set in a singles final in Wimbledon history and at 29 he was the oldest singles champion since Connors in 1982 and first left-hander to win the title since McEnroe in 1984...Fired a Wimbledon record 212 aces during fortnight, eclipsing his old mark of 206 in 1992...He also became first wild card to win a Grand Slam singles title and second-lowest ranked Slam winner behind No. 212 Mark Edmondson (1976 Australian Open)...Led ATP circuit with 801 aces (16.7 per match) for sixth time in 10 years..



以下為在PTT網球版挖到的寶 是Krajicek大大整理的內容

(LKK球迷在PTT只有觀看能力沒有發文能力   以下網上資料沒能事先打招呼 只能在這默默跟K大說sorry!)

1992 Champion:Andre Agassi----名列大會第12種子
R1 def. Andrei Chesnokov        5-7; 6-1; 7-5; 7-5
R2 def. Eduardo Masso           4-6; 6-1; 6-3; 6-3
R3 def. Derrick Rostagno        6-3; 7-6(7-5); 7-5
R4 def. Christian Saceanu       7-6(7-1); 6-1; 7-6(7-0)
QF def. Boris Becker (4)        4-6; 6-2; 6-2; 4-6; 6-3
SF def. John McEnroe            6-4; 6-2; 6-3
 F def. Goran Ivanisevic (8)    6-7(8-10); 6-4; 6-4; 1-6; 6-4


2001 Champion:Goran Ivanisevic----以外卡身份參賽(排行世界125名)
R1 def. Fredrik Jonsson         6-4; 6-4; 6-4
R2 def. Carlos Moya (21)        6-7(6-8); 6-3; 6-4; 6-4
R3 def. Andy Roddick            7-6(7-5); 7-5; 3-6; 6-3
R4 def. Greg Rusedski           7-6(7-5); 6-4; 6-4
QF def. Marat Safin (4)         7-6(7-2); 7-5; 3-6; 7-6(7-3)
SF def. Tim Henman (6)          7-5; 6-7(6-8); 0-6; 7-6(7-5); 6-3
 F def. Patrick Rafter (3)      6-3; 3-6; 6-3; 2-6; 9-7



Lowest-ranked winner (men or women)   Croatia Goran Ivanišević 125th      2001

Wildcard winner (men or women)    Croatia Goran Ivanišević          2001




非常有意思的介紹依凡大人,網友zhang614寫的報導文有上下兩篇 值得推薦!

還沒有去問可不可引用 就先貼上啦


本文引用自zhang614 - 驚悚電影的選手--伊凡尼塞維奇Goran Ivanisevic 2-1




當時觀眾笑翻了,但這句苦喜參雜又無可奈何的笑點.卻生動的點出他戲劇化的人生.伊凡出生於戰亂的克羅埃西亞,父親是機械教授,母親是工程師,他1988以 17歲之齡轉入職業網壇,他靠著俊俏的外表, 配上193的身材,無懈可擊的發球上網(210英里的球速),配上柔軟的左撇子打法,在19歲那年一戰成名,在1990年法網第一輪擊潰前一年連拿兩座大 滿貫的金童貝克,接著在溫布頓神奇的打進四強,靠著年輕外表風糜了全英草地俱樂部的少女跟貴婦們,Ace球一顆一顆發,對手震攝於他完全不按牌理出牌卻又 很有效率的球技,Sampras曾抱怨式的稱讚:當你好不容易拿到0:40,伊凡卻輕鬆的連續發三個Ace粉碎你的努力.連珠炮的強力發球成為他註冊商 標,他的致命武器,但讓球迷最津津樂道或說印象深刻的,則是他的摔拍跟情緒化崩盤.

他早年最讓人記憶猶新的一役是在1992年溫布頓決 賽,年僅21的他五盤敗給了當時另一位萬人迷球員阿格西,賽後他語不驚人死不休的說,每逢比賽的晚上,他都會夢到下一輪要對戰的選手臉孔(他認為是神 蹟),所以越夢越愉悅,夢到就打贏,最後一個夢到的選手是準決賽碰頭的山普拉斯,只是決賽前天竟然就沒了.於是這個 "沒出現"在他夢鄉的選手--阿格西,最後果然順利打敗他,拿到了生平第一個大滿貫,奇哉,,,,,怪也,,,,





是說 2012倫敦奧運的開幕式將會是球迷不容錯過的盛會


目前所知的是寶貝Nole與蠻牛Nadal 還有奶爸Federer都會代表他們的國家擔任旗手




(**Held flag for Croatia in Opening Ceremonies of 1988 Seoul and 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games)


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