


這份禮物由他的老婆大人Gabriela代替他的兩位兒女Sofia & Tommaso送出


Nesta的能幹老婆Gabriela在義大利父親節這一天,幫她的一雙兒女Sofia和Tommaso買了米體報的半版廣告," 生日快樂,把拔! " 為當天剛好生日的爸爸慶生與送出祝福。相信這是他的老婆看著自己的另一半,這一年都在養病難免鬱卒,才會用這樣的方式給老公一個驚喜,也是一種精神上的打氣吧!



Many Dads At Millanello

(時間不多,只找米蘭正副隊長Paolo & Ambro以及米蘭PS2兩相好的Nesta跟Pirlo當代表囉)


Best wishes for everyone today at Milanello. Many Rossoneri dads found each other during the important pre-Napoli training session after celebrating 19 March with their children and their families

MILAN - Today, 19 March 2009, it's Fathers' Day. A day started in a truly nice and pleasant way by mrs. Gabriella, wife of Nesta, who with an affectionate message sent her best wishes to her husband Alessandro, father of Tommaso and Sofia.


**這一年大半的時間都在邁阿密復建兼育兒的Nesta & Gabriella


講到Nesta,一定要提一下他米蘭隊上的另一半 Pirlo

Pirlo恐怕是保護孩子保護到家的代表, Niccolo已經六歲了還抱在手上不放

Pirlo and Niccolo六歲-200901

他的小女孩也很俏皮可愛,只是一時間找不到那張海灘照,還是用老大 Niccolo當代表吧


But already in the early hours today, before reaching the Rossoneri's Sporting Center for the afternoon training, a lot of dads among the Rossoneri squad and staff received the best wishes from their children. Carlo Ancelotti is father of Davide and Katia. Other rightly celebrated fathers are Mauro Tassotti, Filippo Galli, Villiam Vecchi, Valerio Fiori (his sons Daniele and Emanuele play with Milan's Giovanissimi youth sector), the responsible of the preparators Daniele Tognaccini, club doctor Massimo Manara, team manager Vittorio Mentana. In these days Silvano Ramaccioni, who has spent a lifetime at Milan, has also become a grandfather. Ramaccioni's son Francesco, married to Chiara, became the father of Carolina.

Then, of course, the players. The three Rossoneri goalkeepers are all fathers: Christian Abbiati, Nelson Dida and Zeljko Kalac. Not to mention Captain Maldini (father of Christian and Daniel) and the other members of our squad, from Jankulovski to Bonera, from Antonini to Emerson, from Gattuso to Pirlo, from Beckham to two almost-fathers like Kaladze and Massimo Ambrosini whose wives are expecting.

Ambro & Paola-200810

Almost father的部份就以Ambro跟孩子的媽Paola當代表

Ambro & Paola-20090120

另外一個兒女成群的代表 就找隊長跟越來越大的Daniel當代表囉


The Fathers' Day best wishes also came for Clarence Seedorf, Ricardo Kakà, Andriy Shevchenko and Tabarè Viudez. The younger players in the Rossoneri's dressing room, including Alexandre Pato, who are not parents yet, sent their best wishes to their own fathers.


Nesta's Birthday: The present form Mrs.Gabriela

MILAN - A special smile today for the Rossoneri's birthday boy: his wife Gabriela purchased half a page on the Gazzetta dello Sport in which a colourful "Happy Birthday Dad" appears, signed by the children Sofia and Tommaso, represented in a picture in which they hold a kite.

以下是 米蘭體育報新聞
生日快樂 把拔 米體報上 Nesta的生日驚奇

"Tanti auguri papà"
Gazzetta, sorpresa per Nesta

Gabriella, moglie del difensore del Milan, ha acquistato una mezza pagina del quotidiano in edicola oggi, per celebrare il trentatreesimo compleanno del marito Alessandro
Gli auguri dei piccoli Sofia e Tommaso a papà Sandro

MILANO, 19 marzo 2009 - Diciannove marzo, San Giuseppe, Festa del Papà. Di tutti i tipi, famosi e non, comunque speciali. Qualcuno lo festeggia due volte. Come Alessandro Nesta, nato il 19 marzo del 1976.
Questa mattina il difensore del Milan, alle prese con una sfortunata stagione per i noti malanni alla schiena, avrà modo di sorridere sfogliando la Gazzetta dello Sport. La moglie Gabriella, infatti, ha pensato bene di acquistare una mezza pagina del quotidiano in cui campeggia un coloratissinmo "Tanti auguri Papà", firmato dai figli Sofia e Tommaso, idealmente raffigurati in un disegno in cui impugnano un aquilone. Ovviamente ci uniamo agli auguri.

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