Dario Simic 在01/02賽季與Pirlo和Seedorf一樣,從隔鄰的Inter轉會到了米蘭
由於米蘭的中衛線有著鼎鼎大名的Milan M&N,
而安切將他放在右後衛的地方 他總是默默的執行著他的任務
0203賽季米蘭在全然不被人看好當中 從歐冠資格賽開始打起
當年歐冠賽制還沒改革前 還打了兩階段的小組賽才順利進入淘汰賽
(別人覺得0-0,1-1的比分很難看, 當事者卻覺得超級的緊張好看),
最後在老特拉福德鏖戰到了PK戰 才辛苦的打敗Juve拿下了歐冠
那一年是Rui Costa 與Pippo來到米蘭的第二年
在被稱為萬年老二的安切教練領軍之下 米蘭排除萬難的奪得很久以來沒有拿過的歐洲榮冠
0304賽季 是巴西來的小伙子Kaka第一年來到米蘭的賽季
米蘭與羅馬一路纏鬥到最後 終於拿到了睽違已久的聯賽冠軍
那時 Simic一路堅守在他並不習慣的位置上
話說 米蘭的後衛在保羅馬隊長的帶頭領導下(誤很大)
似乎每位後衛的個人場外事業都經營的風生水起 欣欣向榮
隊長的Sweet Years就不用再多說
(或許那也是為了他因傷而退役的哥哥而設立的,讓哥哥負責所有的事業 他則是一邊踢球 一邊負責投資就好)
轉會到米蘭之後有一個小轉折 那就是後來老婆有陪在身邊
講國家隊及Inter的就跳過,挑一些跟米蘭有關的內容 仔細一瞧還真的蠻好玩的
NACIONAL: Did coming to Milan with your wife help you to stay focused on football, instead of enjoying the night life?
- Very much so, because I had peace of mind and stability. There was no reason for me to wander the streets of Milan. It’s a very dangerous city, and the Milan players are great starts, and it is dangerous to be popular in that city. The footballers are always greeted by countless models, all the world’s top modelling agencies are in Milan and it is no problem at all to enjoy the night life with beautiful women. But I was focused on success, and my family was a great help to me.
NACIONAL: You transferred from Inter to Milan. Did that transfer make things easier for you?
- Absolutely. As soon as my manager Predrag Naletilic said that it was a possibility, I accepted without giving it a second thought. Just before the transfer, I was injured, I wasn’t playing, but the people in Milan thought that I could function well in their team. Milan immediately won the Champion’s League, and I got to play in that league again for the first time since Dinamo. That was enough for me. With respect to money, I had a smaller salary at Milan than at Inter, but I signed a contract for a longer period of time. I didn’t fare better financially, but I did as a player. Milan was a bigger club, and this was great recognition for me.
NACIONAL: What has been happening between you and the Milan management in the past year?
- It’s no secret that I have wanted to leave Milan at the end of every season in the past few years. I was invited to Everton twice and to Fiorentina twice, but at the end of the season, Milan would tell me ‘Dario, we want you to stay, we’re counting on you,’ which was flattering. I was very tied to both the club and the city, and so it was hard for me to replace Milan with Liverpool, which is a depressing city. Then, two years ago, the club moved me from right back, which is not my position, to stopper. I played 34 games, and played very well. Milan won the Champion’s League where I played six or seven games. This was further motive for me, I was happy at the end of that season, because I was playing my position again. However, at the start of last season, all the defensive players were healthy and playing, and I wasn’t, and it became more difficult for me. Regardless of that, I played well with the national team, and I receive new offers, including one from Juventus. At that time, Milan told me, ‘Dario, we will extend your contract for another year, and we’ll increase your salary, to prove to you that we need you. Maldini is ending his career in June, you are one of our top four stoppers, and you’ll get all the games you need’. Again, I thought about not moving, after 10 years of living in Milan. I even liked not playing every game, because that can be really hard on you. But in June, Maldini decided to continue playing, and so Milan agreed to let me go to Monaco. It wasn’t a problem to find a club, the problem was that I’m 33 years old, I haven’t played in a year and everyone is asking what is wrong with me. But I had faith, and only now, after having transferred to Monaco and I can look back at everything I’d been through, all the moments of playing, not playing and proving myself. Psychologically, it was very difficult.
Dario Simic
Nationality: Croatian
Date of birth: 12 November 1975
Place of birth: Zagabria, Croatia
Family現有成員wife Jelena (31) Roko (7), Viktor (5) Nikolas (3).
Milan所屬時間 2002/2003(自Inter轉入) ~ 2007/2008(轉出至Monaco)
1999/01/10 Inter-Venezia 0-2 在Inter初登場
2002/2003賽季 來到米蘭
2002/09/14 Modena-Milan 0-3 在義甲代表米蘭的首秀
義甲出場22場 1593分鐘 歐冠出場7場 543分鐘 義大利杯 6場495分鐘
Personal prize record with AC MILAN
1 League Title
2 European Champion Club's Cup
1 European Supercup
1 Italian Cup
1 Supercoppa Lega