


勝利的代價 = 光溜溜的Giba

(**沒錯,Giba把他這些年臉上留著的小山羊鬍鬚刮的光溜溜,素淨著一張臉出現在大家面前! 老實說…帥哥本質當然不會因為有毛沒毛產生變化,可是一時之間真的很不習慣耶…明明素淨著一張臉更帥,不過人的視覺會產生慣性作用吧!)



(***by the way...這次FIVB 2007 world Cup有好多好可愛的卡通幸運物,每一隊都有喔...連每場比賽的MVP的頒獎也是一隻可愛的幸運物...Giba隊長的小女兒這次能跟著Papa來到日本,一定很高興吧....)

第一局就打的好不精彩,雙方你來我往處於膠著狀態,最後的比分是30-28,巴西總算搶到了制勝點. 總算在世界杯上拿到第一局的勝利.

當歐洲冠軍碰到南美冠軍,第二局之後,當巴西逐漸打順之後,西班牙要追分就顯得有點困難.雖然有個跟蘋果臉小子名字一樣的Torres在場,雖然有對很有默契的M+G. Falasca兄弟檔同心聯手,不過.當巴西隊飛起來時,是很難阻擋的.

當歐洲冠軍碰到南美冠軍,第三局之後,終於看到笑容又回到了巴西隊所有隊員的臉上了. 巴西隊談笑風生之間的進攻真的最有看頭.

以下這段match report 就蠻寫實的

The Brazilians were absolutely flying now. Quick as a flash it was 5-1 in the third set, Andre’s cannon of a left hand crashing down an ace to trigger a Spain TO.

It was what the fans came to watch and Spain couldn’t find a way to silence them. The first TTO came as Rodrigao slammed down a vertical ace with Brazil still four in front.

Rodrigao should have thought about putting in a trademark application for the vertical spike by this stage of the match, with another one putting Brazil into the second TTO 16-12 ahead.

A huge spike from Guimaraes Amaral Dante made it 19-13 and Brazil were now running away with the third set. Match point was fast approaching and it came via a spike from Dante, a block from Giba and a long
 serve from Guillermo Falasca — Rodriguez spiking long.


2007-11-19   BRA-ESP    3-0       30-28 25-17 25-16         80-61     1:18  


Giba: Brazil showed fighting spirit

Captain Gilberto Godoy Filho (Giba): Even if it was a nervous first set, Brazil played like Brazil. We had a fighting spirit, we argued amongst ourselves a little bit. This is the way we play and this is the way we play from now on. We have to forget we won today, like we forgot about yesterday. We need to move on.


Head coach Bernando Resende: We started quite nervously. Spain had a good first set. We tried to control our nerves and then get a good rhythm. We hope we can improve. We're a team that plays very quick and the lack of preparation has been very tough for us. A week is too little preparation. It was a good result today but we have to focus on Egypt tomorrow.

瞧吧...準備不足就會大意失荊州.....所以第一場的失敗對巴西而言,說不定是一件好事呢. anyway,之後的賽程還是要小心一點.

一物剋一物,開幕戰打敗巴西爆冷門的美國,沒想到在第二天賽程輸給了Puerto Rico波多黎各,看來男排世界杯的好戲剛剛開始上演而已…
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