新教頭來到都還沒有介紹 真是失禮了
2010年7月份的Forza Milan就請Allegri當封面人物
Allegri教頭來到米蘭內洛報到 不曉得喜不喜歡內洛當中悠閒雅緻的環境
請來示範的 自然是
(要Dinho來示範的話 球迷怕他要穿大一號的衣服才能裝得下他目前的肚子.......)
咱們新來的門將Amelia來報到同樣沒有好好跟他Say Hello一下
不過 反正開訓當天一定會大家一起排排照
屆時再好好端詳一下 這個當初米蘭就想招攬進來
還有幾天的時間 開訓日之前 米蘭在轉會市場能不能有所進展呢
米蘭官網為Ambro隊長寫了篇介紹 這個才是值得紀錄的事情
去年此時 為了誰要當隊長 有很多的聲音響起
今年 對於Ambro隊長手臂上的隊長臂章 就沒有什麼人可以來搶了
Massimo Ambrosini begins his second season as Milan captain on July 20. On that date the armband will no longer be something new but a point of constant reference not only for himself but for the team for some time to come.
MILAN - A year ago it was all new, after Paolo Maldini bequeathed the armband. It was a surprise for Ambro, it was a new sensation, fourteen years after his first steps at Milanello. But it happened. And ftom Tuesday, the day the squad return for the 2010-2011 season, the captaincy will not be a parenthesis, an episode, the first time. It will be the second year, something more.
He was a young man of 18 years when fifteen years ago Massimo Ambrosini had his first contact with the Rossoneri colours. Today, Massimo is about to begin his second season as captain of Milan.
Since arriving at Milanello from Cesena in the summer of 1995, apart from a short loan spell at Vicenza (1997/1998 season), Ambro's career has always been in the red and black colours. He has grown accustomed to winning at Milan and in doing so has become a regular until he was presented with the highest acolade on July 6, 2009. It was certainly something new but Ambro has demonstrated clear ideas about the responsibilities that come with wearing the armband at a club like Milan that down through the post-war years has only had five captains - each of them legendary in their own way.
Massimo was well aware of the sacrifices and hard work on and off the pitch that he had to go through especially as Maldini, Kaka and Anceloltti had all moved on. "Let's roll up our sleeves," he said. And so he has consistently done so in every game.
After 410 official games, 34 goals, three Italian league titles, one World Club Cup, two Champions League trophies, two European Super Cups, one Italian Cup and one Italian Super Cup, this season will be his second as captain. Each of the five great Rossoneri captains have worn the armband for over two years - so we enter another era in the history of the club.