



有點辛辣 有點辛酸 獻給寶貝老三

---Nothing wrong with Novak being No.3 

這篇由Chris Chase所寫的

 In losing with grace, Djokovic proved he'sa champion

是稱讚寶貝在決賽輸球之後的泱泱大度 讓球迷看了很感謝他對寶貝的讚賞

雖然事後寶貝回到了家鄉之後 還是說他自己心中很受傷


能在當場之下 表現這樣的風度 還是證明 他跟蠻牛真的是Amigo 好朋友


昨晚又看了2010 US open Review 更是覺得

整個大會的過程中  大家都把焦點擺在費納對決上頭


沒想到 最後寶貝把Federer氣跑 也讓Nadal掉了美網唯一被人拿下的一盤

在最後決勝局中的寶貝 是一整個的認真又可愛

放小球 球帶幫忙之下 蠻牛接不到 自己就笑得好開心

再放小球 卻被蠻牛一個穿越 擊到線上一點點 同樣也能折服而笑




決賽之外的比賽一輸球  球員就可以早早的收拾東西離開去療傷


輸了球要在眾人的注目中  當個勇敢的loser

要能拿得起 放得下 親眼看著對手拿下榮冠之杯

所以當看到Chris Chase的這一篇時



每次拿盤  鐵定內心都要忍受這種強烈的煎熬吧


以下是該篇文章的內文 為自己留紀錄

(陸聞有中譯,偷懶的拿過來借放...不翻英翻久矣,好像整個退化,日翻也一樣,學如逆水行舟 古人講得真是對呀!)

Thu Sep 16,2010

In losing with grace, Djokovic proved he'sa champion

By Chris Chase


It was a simple gesture. While Rafael Nadalwas celebrating his U.S. Open victory, the man he defeated, Novak Djokovic,walked over to Nadal's side of the court to offer his congratulations. The twomen warmly embraced, exchanged words and then began walking off the court armin arm: a poignant show of sportsmanship on the sport's grandest stage.

Minutes earlier, Djokovic had been on theverge of pulling off the greatest victory of his career. When he hit a ballwide on match point, he must have been heartbroken. Had he gone to the net,waited for Nadal to get to him, exchanged a perfunctory handshake and thendashed off the court, nobody would have thought ill of him. It's what mostplayers do. But Djokovic is wired differently than most. He offered sincerecongratulations during the most painful moment of his career and that, perhaps,is more commendable than anything he accomplished over the past two weeks in New York.

Contrast Djokovic's actions to RogerFederer's two days before. When Djokovic took a five-set thriller from Federer,he celebrated by looking at his player's box and standing with his armsoutstretched near the baseline. Federer couldn't watch, rushing to the side ofthe court to begin packing away his racquets. When Djokovic finally came in forthe handshake, Federer left the bag, gave Novak an abrupt handshake and thenleft the court as quickly as possible.

It wasn't poor sportsmanship by Federer,but it wasn't good sportsmanship either. He was understandably gutted. Manyathletes are after losses. Peyton Manning didn't even give a handshake afterlosing this year's Super Bowl. LeBron James did the same in the NBA playoffs afew years ago. When you're unaccustomed to losing, it's sometimes hard to do sowith graciousness.

There's always a delicate balance to howmuch one should celebrate after a tennis match. The victor needs to revel intheir accomplishment and release the pent-up emotions from the match. (Hencethe tendency to fall to the ground. It's cathartic.) But there's also the loserto think about. While the winner is basking in the glow of a big win, theplayer they defeated is waiting at net to give the handshake they've dreadedgiving and are usually trying to leave the court as fast as possible so theycan go in the locker room and have a cathartic emotion-release of their own. Atsome point the winner needs to think of the loser during the celebration.Approach the net too quickly, and you've deprived yourself of the greatestmoment in your tennis career. Go too slowly and too joyfully and you're rubbingsalt in the wound of a person who just experienced the most disappointingmoment of theirs.

Nadal and Djokovic did the dance perfectly.Rafa fell to the ground, having accomplished one of the greatest achievementsin the sport. When he got up, his face was stoic. He knew Djokovic's pain --he's been there before. Their embrace was genuine. It was sportsmanship at itsfinest. For as good a loser as Djokovic was, Nadal was just as good of awinner.

If you're a young athlete in any sport,take a page from Rafa and Nole. Win with grace and lose with dignity. WatchDjokovic when he shakes the hand of the chair umpire. His head is held high. Itshould be. In losing the U.S. Open, Novak Djokovic showed that you don't haveto be the guy holding the trophy in order to be a champion.


專家:大度小德同樣是冠軍 費德勒不習慣黯然離場

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