成為小孩褓姆及足球助教 平日要接送小孩上下課
Just watched a UEFA tribute programme about him. It is amazing to think about how long and distinguished his career was. Although he's only recently retired he made his debut when some of our current first team (including our captain) would have been in nursery school, most hadn't been born. Yet 20 and 22 years later they are facing him in a Champions League final.
Great player, a true great really, and a gentleman. Paolo I appauld you sir for a truly spectacular life in football.
Maldini is truly a legend of the game. A loyal servant to Milan and very good defender. Don't worry he has passed on his attributes to his kids and his legacy lives.
這位回文者還特別貼出小丹尼爾鏟球的影像連結 哈哈
看來 大家都很期待馬家第三代
One of my all time favourite players. I cannot praise him enough.
Maldini wasn't spectacular,nor average nor poor...but he was consistently solid...how he maintained that for 20 years is unbelievable...
One of the greatest ever players. Could play left back (attacking and defensive) and centre incredibly well his whole career.
這些紅軍球迷不知道看到UEFA播的那部歐冠回顧之類的影片 裏頭是有隊長的訪問嗎?