四強賽面對Federer 救回賽末點 置之死地而後生的贏球後 被英文主播稱讚為忘記如何輸的寶貝
在這場的決賽中 從各種技能發揮及接發球的掌握上來說
Nole vs Nadal 兩人動則來個20回合以上的對打
面對打不死的小冏 不要說Rafa 連球迷看球也會力氣用盡呢
球員花體力鬥智 球迷基本上也是花了跟球員同等的時間來加油呀
前兩盤處於對峙狀態 為爭一分都要耗盡心力
因為一早就要出門 在第三盤2-2時 就只能在行動之間 倚靠官網上的實況報導了解戰情
原以為進到公司比賽就能決定下來 哪想到寶貝跟Nadal還要繼續糾纏下去
開了兩台電腦一個看畫面 一個聽聲音 還好最後比賽在上班時間前後結束
下班後重新補看 確認一下最後兩盤的內容囉
這真的是一場很精彩的冠軍賽 你來我往 好不熱鬧
Nadal 的堅持與永不放棄
很少看到Nadal的無奈 這場比賽他真的是拿寶貝不太有辦法呀
加上一直跑來跑去 重力回擊 拳拳到肉的狀況下 自己也承受及耗費極大的能量
靠腰的男人要處理一下腰事 才能再出發
或許真的雙方都力氣用盡 第四盤最後的結局竟然是一面倒
Novak Djokovic vs Rafa Nadal 6-2 6-4 6-7 6-1
從這樣的反應就可知道寶貝的壓力還是很大 勝利瞬間一整個的將情緒釋放出來
球場上就是有贏有輸 寶貝以前曾經以收銀盤為樂
沒想到今年風水輪流轉 變成由Nadal來收銀盤
只是真的沒想到 一收就收了六個 真的是很驚人
恭喜寶貝 賀喜寶貝
同時 今年的世界第一地位 也實至名歸吧
Novak Djokovic 2011美網冠軍
"I was always kind of trying to wait for their mistakes," the Serb, who replaced Nadal as world number one earlier this year, said about his attitude in the past.
"Not really having the positive attitude and kind of belief that I can win."
Even when his body looked like giving out on him, Djokovic dug deep with a determination and courage normally associated with Nadal himself.
"I had the rib problem and they had to mobilize my back as well and some cramps in the leg," said Djokovic, who had grabbed at his back after several overhand shots and serves.
"I felt the most discomfort and pain with my serve, so I tried to go more for the precision rather than for speed," said the Serb, forced to spin in deliveries at about 90 miles per hour.
"I had to make the points very short, because it's obvious that he is the one that's physically fitter than me on the court today after the third set was done.
"I knew that and I had to go for my shots, and I did."
Nadal was gracious in his praise of Djokovic.
"This season he's (been) fantastic. His level is really, really high," 10-time major winner Nadal told reporters after congratulating the winner on the court.
"Obviously, I'm disappointed now. But this guy's done unbelievable things. So just congratulate Novak. What you did this year is probably impossible to repeat."