的確 財大氣就粗


另外一說是 有實力成為老大 就有機會有錢

大品牌能開拓市場 行銷配置完善 周邊商品也多 獲利能力夠強  給錢也不會手軟吧

最近的傳言是 寶貝即將終止與Sergio Tacchini的球衣贊助關係




djokovic_novak_20080802 20080901-Nadal-美網辛苦進八強 

一邊是古早的三條線 一邊是古早的打勾無袖

一邊有點土 一點很狂野






這些年 寶貝雖然球衣換了贊助 不過網球鞋倒還是一直穿著另一大品牌的三條線

如果一旦身上球衣要開始打勾  那麼球鞋將來也會一起打勾吧


三條線的愛迪達高層 會不會每個人都臉上三條線的去搥心肝呀  哈哈

基本上現在Murray Tsonga等人還是三條線

好像Murray的有跟別的人不太一樣之外 其他的人還是像穿制服 常常會撞衫

或許 寶貝的球衣開始打勾勾也不錯 至少打勾一族比較有做到商品的個性化

可以把每個人的特點及名字打出來  建立個人專屬的感覺

真要如此 那麼寶貝跟莎拉波娃就可以 除了過往的玩Head球拍

未來還能一起"玩球衣 玩球鞋" 通通都可以玩在一起


Novak Djokovic to join Nike, after Roger Federer, Rafael Nadal


Five-time Grand Slam champion Novak Djokovic is likely to join along with Nike, after his rivals Former World No. 1 Roger Federer and king of clay Rafael Nadal, who are under contract with Nike endorsement.


World No. 1 Novak Djokovic is going to end the contract with the brand Sergio Tacchini, where he is expecting to join voice with Nike. Serbian is very close to sing-up a contract with Nike, after his current sponsor Sergio Tacchini will no longer support him financially. Sources stated Sergio Tacchini has failed to respect the contract with Djokovic, while other sponsors providing a bonus for each victory for Serbian tennis champion.


10-time Grand Slam champion Rafael Nadal, who was sponsored in clothing and shoe by Nike, where he also signature on-court outfit entailed a variety of sleeveless shirts paired with 3/4 length Capri pants.


Recently, Nadal and his close friend Real Madrid superstar Cristiano Ronaldo have team-up for the new Nike commercial ad to promote their new shoes ‘the Mercurial Vapor VIII’. Both the stars have played tennis and soccer in the new Nike commercial video, which was released last month. 


Nike announced that, three-time Grand Slam champion Maria Sharapova has renewed her contract with company for signing an 8 year deal for $70 million.


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