
可不是球迷自己掰的  而是寶貝自己在臉書上寫的

It's official people - from today I am a Samurai :)









這會兒找上了網壇最愛演 最幽默 最愛搞笑的當今球王成為全球品牌代言大使  真的玩很大





這個品牌這兩年似乎成為台灣另類休閒"制服"專賣店(走在台北真的很容易撞衫  哈哈)

老實說  球迷近十年 只要到東京 幾乎都會好好到這家去裏裏外外採購一下

以前真的覺得便宜  現在日圓高騰就不見得了

不過 當他們來到台灣 球迷竟然至今沒買過它們一件衣服

原因一 以前買的衣服還沒穿完 (暈)

原因二 球迷妹在海那邊採買的比台灣便宜

原因一是真的存在 原因二更是實在

so......這個在當今台灣遠近馳名的品牌專賣店 球迷至今只"經過"阪急店而已


球迷或許會打算去做一個到此一遊的觀光的 哈哈哈


這個品牌還有一個好處  主打的是休閒系列的服裝

那麼 寶貝以後除了場上 還有場下 是否通通都有人會幫忙打點穿著呢

I don't know 

Let's look and see......

畢竟 寶貝當天的走秀 有運動服也有便裝呢



For my own referenc:  華爾街日報的報導


Novak Djokovic Suits Up for Uniqlo

When did tennis become so fashionable? Was it when Ralph Lauren began designing the outfits for Wimbledon officials in 2006? Or when Vogue editor-in-chief Anna Wintour started appearing courtside to cheer on Roger Federer?

Now, there’s a new player in the game. Japanese fashion brand Uniqlo announced on Wednesday that Novak Djokovic is its new spokesmodel. Mr. Djokovic, ranked the top tennis player in the world since last July, will wear Uniqlo clothes on and off court, starting with the French Open which kicks off Sunday.

At a press conference in Paris, Mr. Djokovic modeled his new outfit on a short runway. The look is classic: white shorts, button-up shirt and jacket in white with fine blue and red stripes running down the sides. “I’m proud because it’s inspired by the colors of my flag,” said the Serbian. “I hope the collaboration with Uniqlo will bring me luck,” Mr. Djokovic joked, since Roland Garros is the only Grand Slam tournament he hasn’t won.

Mr. Djokovic’s two biggest rivals, Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal, are both sponsored by Nike and have made fashion statements of their own. Mr. Nadal aced his way to fame in long shorts and sleeveless shirts before switching to polo shirts to project a more mature image. Mr. Federer often appears in cardigans. “I don’t want to compete with Mr. Federer (in fashion),” Mr. Djokovic said. “We compete on the tennis court as tennis players.”

But Mr. Djokovic’s new five-year contract sets him apart. He is going for broader appeal with Uniqlo, which is better known for its fashion basics than its sportswear. He was previously sponsored by smaller athletic brand Sergio Tacchini.

Still, his Uniqlo look is not entirely complete. He unveiled his new Uniqlo tennis whites wearing Adidas tennis shoes – because the Japanese fashion firm doesn’t make footwear.


愛玩的寶貝到巴黎之前 還有別的花絮


可能是去年拍過之後上了癮吧  哈哈

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