竟然可以一口氣的把荷蘭全隊球員點完名 哈哈
好可愛 當他念van Persie的時候 好好聽
與葡萄牙打平 輸給德國 最後一場與丹麥之戰是絕對的關鍵
小組賽就被淘汰的話 臉就丟大了
TWO year old Noah can already name the Dutch squad from poster in room
Ha 2 anni ma già conosce la formazione dell'Olanda
Noah and the Dutch squad
義大利報導看不懂 只能求助英國媒體了
Footie mad tot can name his team
THE NETHERLANDS might not be doing that well in the Euros right now, but they still have at least one avid fan.
Footie mad Noah is just two years old, but already knows the names to all 30 members of the Dutch team from a poster on his bedroom wall.
And amazingly, it’s been just a week since he first saw the squad pic.
An adorable video of him reciting the names has been seen more than 137,000 times on YouTube since it was uploaded two days ago.
It’s just a shame that with the Dutch squad’s current form, he might have to learn an entirely new team after the Euros...
Group C
Italy vs Croatia 正在比賽中
目前是 1-1