隊隊有希望 個個沒把握
打了兩輪 只有確定落榜的國家 卻沒有篤定晉級的球隊
也因為如此 讓小組賽的第三輪同時開賽的賽事 超級吸睛
而週六深夜的Group A 第三輪賽事 就做足了示範
所有的觀戰者都不能只盯著一場賽事 一定要關心到兩場賽事的勝負變化
Group A
Czech Republic 1-0 Poland
Greece 1-0 Russia
大家都很拼 幸運的是捷克與希臘
第一場比賽輸得灰頭土臉的捷克 沒想到會反敗為勝 成為Euro2012首位晉級的球隊
是說希臘更是強運到不行 Karagounis隊長的超強魔力帶領了球隊驚險晉級
Group B
Portugal 2-1 Netherlands
Denmark 1-2 Germany
在這個號稱死亡之組的競賽中 很遺憾的2010WC世界杯亞軍荷蘭三戰皆墨
Denmark的本特納沒機會再秀內褲頭(笑) 球隊被德國鐵血戰士隊碾過
而前兩場大演特演搞笑劇的葡萄牙隊長You know who
在這場需要勝利大作戰的比賽中 總算埋梗埋夠久 終究要出頭
球迷週日(留守るす=not at home), 沒能親眼見到Group B的比賽過程
只能在今天上午 靠著手機了解狀況
為了van Persie
球迷想為他獻上應景的曲子~~~Gloomy Sunday 憂鬱的星期天~~~以致哀
剛好手機上的MP3抓不出來 就不要荼毒大家了
Sunday is gloomy, my hours are slumberless
Dearest, the shadows I live with are numberless
Little white flowers will never awaken you
Not where the black coach of sorrow has taken you
Angels have no thought of ever returning you
Would they be angry if I thought of joining you
Gloomy Sunday
Sunday is gloomy, with shadows I spend it all
My heart and I have decided to end it all
Soon there'll be flowers and prayers that are sad, I know
Let them not weep
Let them know that I'm glad to go
Death is no dream
For in death I'm caressing you
With the last breath of my soul I'll be blessing you
Gloomy Sunday
Dreaming, I was only dreaming
I wake and I find you asleep in the deep of my heart, dear!
Darling I hope that my dream never haunted you
My heart is telling you how much I wanted you
Gloomy Sunday
以下是Group A & B 參加小組賽殊死戰的大名單及替補
Czech Republic:
1 Cech (C), 2 Gebre Selassie, 3 M. Kadlec, 6 Sivok, 8 Limbersky , 13 Plasil,
14 Pilar, 17 Hübschman, 18 Kolar, 19 Jirácek, 15 Baros
SUBS: Lastuvka, Drobny , Suchy , Hubník, Rezek, Rosicky , Petrzela, Darida,
Necid, Pekhart, Lafata.
22 Tyton, 2 Boenisch, 13 Wasilewski, 15 Perquis, 20 Piszczek, 5 Dudka,
7 Polanski, 10 Obraniak, 11 Murawski, 16 Blaszczykowski (C), 9 Lewandowski
SUBS: Szczesny, Sandomierski, Wojtkowiak, Kaminski, Wawrzyniak, Matuszczyk,
Rybus, Mierzejewski, Wolski, Grosicki, Sobiech, Brozek.
13 Sifakis, 2 Maniatis, 5 K. Papadopoulos, 3 Tzavellas, 15 Torossidis,
19 Papastathopoulos, 10 Karagounis (C), 21 Katsouranis, 7 Samaras,
14 Salpingidis, 17 Gekas
SUBS: 1 Chalkias, 12 Tzorvas, 4 Malezas, 20 Holebas, 6 Makos, 16 Fotakis,
18 Ninis,22 Fortounis, 23 Fetfatzidis, 9 Liberopoulos, 11 Mitroglou.
16 Malafeev, 2 Anyukov, 4 Ignashevich, 5 Zhirkov, 12 Berezutski, 6 Shirokov,
7 Denisov, 17 Dzagoev, 22 Glushakov, 10 Arshavin (C), 11 Kerzhakov
SUBS: 1 Akinfeev, 13 Shunin, 3 Sharonov, 19 Granat, 21 Nababkin, 9 Izmailov,
15 Dmitri Kombarov, 23 Semshov, 14 Pavlyuchenko, 20 Pogrebnyak.
12 Rui Patrício,2 Alves, 3 Pepe, 5 Coentrão, 21 Pereira, 4 Veloso,
8 Moutinho, 16 Meireles, 17 Nani, 7 Ronaldo, 23 Postiga
SUBS: 1 Eduardo, 22 Beto, 13 Costa, 14 Rolando, 19 Lopes, 6 Custódio,
10 Quaresma, 15 Micael, 20 Viana, 9 Almeida, 11 Oliveira, 18 Varela.
1 Stekelenburg, 2 Van der Wiel, 4 Mathijsen, 13 Vlaar, 15 Willems, 8 N. De
Jong, 10 Sneijder, 11 Robben, 23 Van der Vaart, 9 Huntelaar, 16 Van Persie
SUBS: 12 Vorm, 23 Krul, 3 Heitinga, 5 Bouma, 21 Boulahrouz, 6 Van Bommel,
14 Schaars, 17 Strootman, 7 Kuyt, 18 L. De Jong, 19 Narsingh, 20 Afellay.
1 Andersen, 3 Kjær, 4 Agger, 5 S.Poulsen, 6 Jacobsen, 7 Kvist, 8 Eriksen,
10 J.Poulsen, 21 Zimling, 9 Krohn-Dehli, 11 Bendtner
SUBS: 16 Lindegaard, 22 Schmeichel, 12 Bjelland, 13 Okore, 18 Wass,
2 C.Poulsen, 14 Schøne, 15 Silberbauer, 20 Kahlenberg, 10 Rommedahl,
17 Pedersen, 23 Mikkelsen.
1 Neuer, 15 Bender, 5 Hummels, 14 Badstuber, 16 Lahm, 6 Khedira,
7 Schweinsteiger, 8 Özil, 13 Müller , 10 Podolski, 23 Gomez
SUBS: 12 Wiese, 22 Zieler, 3 Schmelzer, 4 Höwedes, 17 Mertesacker,
2 Gündogan, 9 Schürrle, 18 Kroos, 19 Götze, 21 Reus, 11 Klose.