一位Lukas Rosol 登高一呼 網壇眾將猶如打了一劑強心針
大滿貫決賽被Big4 包辦的日子 大家不想再過了
哈哈 以上這樣的開場 讓球迷不由得想起了有關 Spartacus 的相關畫面
奴隸們要推翻羅馬暴政囉(**這樣比喻其他網球球員好像有點奇怪齁 哈哈)
為何球迷會想到Spartacus 是因為急診室的春天ER中的Dr. Luka Kovac 剛好演過2004年版的Spartacus
從Lukas 想到 Dr.Luka 再連想到Spartacus 球迷實在是聯想力豐富
加上 最近還不小心看了演電影300(300壯士:斯巴達的逆襲) 中King Leonidas的Gerard Butler演出的Law Abiding Citizen
為了幫妻女復仇 男主角歷經十年的精心安排復仇計畫 執行過程實在是可怕呀 (女法官之死那一剎那 影迷只差沒有 哇!!!!的一聲大叫出來 )
在原本所謂的B級片男子賣肉大片的"300"中 Gerard Butler當時的勇士形象實在是令人印象深刻
那一聲聲 This is Sparta! 挺經典的!
後來電視版的Spartacus Blood and Sand 等 同樣是噴血不用錢的集血腥 暴力 官能性粉味十足於劇中 (老實說看了灑血灑很大的地方真的很傻眼)
聊跟網球完全無關的Spartacus 是為哪樁
經過第二種子蠻牛Nadal的冷門Say Good-bye之後
寶貝掉一盤 瑞士奶爸Federer還掉了兩盤 真的是驚魂未定之日
前一晚中央球場的關頂耽誤 讓Nadal無法一氣呵成 最後真的就輸球
畢竟Lukas也很老實的說 他回到更衣室就趕緊shower放鬆自己 再上場又成為一條活龍了
天氣預報說可能會下點雨 所以 中央球場就決定不打開屋頂了
在室內打球 濕度 回音 等方面條件跟打開屋頂的戶外是不同
天若光 中央球場是應該打開屋頂 對選手來說 打球比較舒服吧
Big 3之外的球員 也因為"天若光" 就能一個個看到爭冠的希望
寶貝在第一盤 局局有破發機會 卻局局都無功而返
反而到了最後 被對手破了發球局
今天面對的是此次溫網年紀最大 33歲經驗更老道的捷克選手
冠軍的霸氣 是不容挑戰 讓別人感覺有機可趁而爆氣演出 可就不妙了
最後連下三盤 也算保住第一種子的顏面
Novak Djokovic (SRB) vs Radek Štepánek (CZE) 4-6 6-2 6-2 6-2
差一點 真的差一點就要跟蠻牛一起作伴
球迷剛好看到第四盤的搶七 每球都重要的感覺 對種子球員來說壓力真的好大
Roger Federer (SUI) vs Julien Benneteau (FRA) 4-6 6-7 6-2 7-6 6-1
Big three all get wake-up calls
By Eurosport | Simon Reed
The last 24 hours at Wimbledon have produced two of the most dramatic first-week matches in recent years.
We've got so used to the top three having things their own way that it was a real surprise to see all three men dropping sets.
In Lukas Rosol, Rafael Nadal ran into an opponent who had the match of his life. What a display it was — the fifth set particularly was nerveless. He was inspired by the occasion, the atmosphere — you name it.
Nadal was not at his very best, but nor was he far from it. It was simply a freak result.
If you thought that would be a reminder to Nadal's rivals that there are no easy matches, but you wouldn't have known it today.
Novak Djokovic may just have underestimated his Czech opponent Radek Stepanek, and after losing the first set, he had to raise his game considerably to put any thoughts of an upset to one side.
As for Roger Federer, he really did come close to going out against Julien Benneteau in the final match on Centre Court.
I don't think Federer took Benneteau lightly — the Frenchman had beaten Federer the last time they played, after all - but this is a pattern that has started to develop in Federer's play.
He can breeze past some opponents, and then suddenly find himself in real trouble against others.
Federer doesn't change his tactics a great deal — two sets down to Benneteau, he seemed to believe that he simply had to do what he had already been doing ,but better. That meant cleaner groundstrokes, hitting faster and harder.
Eventually, he got over the line, and that is what matters here.
There have been occasions when the likes of Djokovic, Nadal and Federer have dropped sets in the early rounds of Grand Slams (although rarely at the same time like this) but it is unusual for it to have any bearing on their display in the next round.
Look how close Djokovic got to going out at the French Open — and yet he kept on grinding out the results until he reached the final.
Federer and Djokovic are still on a collision course for the semi-final, and my hunch is still that the Swiss will get through that one.
As for Andy Murray, he must be really rather happy with the way his side of the draw is playing out.
Nadal is gone in the semi-finals, Grigor Dimitrov is gone from the next round, and then today, another potentially tricky opponent, Milos Raonic, bowed out to Sam Querrey.
Raonic could have been a real handful for Murray in the fourth round, but I was covering his match against Querrey for television, and he was disappointing.
Murray might get a little extra boost of confidence from these results, but they are no use to him unless he does his part and keeps on winning.
男人的戰爭 是需要五盤三勝制
沒有好體力好耐力 還真的無法在這裏稱王
**是說 寶貝呀 除了會很會劈腿之外
最後補一個 300的海報
Prepare for Glory!!!