有Vincent 又有 James

這部Trance 當然是看定了

是說 milanhime每回看Vincent Cassel的作品都要做好心理準備



Ocean's Twelve的怪盜  黑天鵝的芭蕾舞團監督 總算都人模人樣(笑)

Eastern Promises的黑道老大沒出息的痞子兒子 造型頹廢也還好

可是一回到歐洲來  Vincent先生還是喜歡挑戰怪咖沒有極限

近期的The Monk看來也是氛圍奇特的一部片子

A Dangerous Method 這部有大咖共同參與的片子呢



接下來將會推出的法國新版"美女與野獸(La belle & la Bete)"



不管是Vincent Cassel 或是James McAvoy 的作品


不管他倆過往演出的作品是佳評或是酷評 milanhime幾乎都會想辦法挑戰到底

Trance 打從拍攝開始就吸引了milanhime的注意





沒想到 日昨竟然看到了這樣的一段預告片釋出


Oh. Yeah!





賽門(詹姆斯麥艾維飾)是一個藝術拍賣商,他卻和黑幫集團結盟,想要裡應外合竊取價值高達數百萬美元的藝術品。但在一次搶劫中他頭部受到重創,醒來後發現自己喪失記憶,完全不記得他將畫藏到哪裡了。 犯罪集團用盡心機想逼他說出藏畫地點,卻不得其門而入,集團首腦(文森卡索飾)請來催眠治療師(蘿莎莉道森飾),挖掘賽門黑暗的內心深處。她在賽門破碎的潛意識中越挖越深,風險也越來越大,遊走在慾望、現實、催眠暗示的虛實…








因為從開拍到即將上檔 milanhime注意到的幾乎都是以兩位男主角的互動為話題的新聞




for reference:

“Trance” begins with an adeptly-planned heist at an auction house which goes violently awry when the auctioneer inside man takes a blow to the head leaving him with no memory of where the stashed the stolen Goya painting.  The story quickly turns into a high stakes triangle – the painting’s amnesiac thief (James McAvoy), his fearsome partner in crime, gang-leader (Vincent Cassel), and the alluring hypnotist (Rosario Dawson) hired to help recover his lost memories – as they all become trapped together in a brain-bending puzzle of their own making.  The more they search for the missing Goya, the more it becomes clear that what is hidden is not just a priceless work of art, but fractured fragments of secrets, temptations, and treacheries that all add up to the truth.

                Taking the role of Simon is James McAvoy, who came to international acclaim from his previous roles in “X-Men: First Class,” “The Last King of Scotland,” “Wanted,” and in “Atonement.”

McAvoy felt a magnetic attraction to the role.  “I was completely blown away by this mind bending, genre bending, psychological heist movie,” he says.  “When I auditioned for Danny, he was incredible.  I’ve rarely been directed in an audition so interestingly. That made me desperate to get the part.  Luckily for me he phoned up and said, ‘Would you like to do it?’  Every day on set has been like that - just discovering this script, which is brave, bold and challenging for a performer.”

Boyle was surprised by McAvoy.  “I thought he might be a bit young for it, but when we met, it was really interesting because the part makes him seem older,” the director observes.  “It was fantastic the way he grew into it.  I also wanted him to do it with his natural Scottish accent because I have a real love of the Scottish voice.  He tells me that he doesn’t get asked to do it that often.  So that was lovely for both James and Vincent to use their natural voices. I find myself entirely addicted to James, who does a wonderful job.  It’s a very complicated part because we’re never sure where his conscience lies.”

Simon’s confusion about his own identity, actions and conscience accelerates throughout the film, building to a fever pitch, exhilarating McAvoy as he took on the role.  “Normally, we remember what we’ve done – the brain does that as a full-time job -- and that’s how we identify and see ourselves.  But Simon can’t remember who he is properly.  He’s had a bang on the head and something is missing.  Things don’t make sense.  All he knows is that there’s something huge not right in his life.”

All of this internal chaos demanded a highly creative reaction from McAvoy.  “It’s a film where you really get to explore the boundaries of what’s strange and odd,” he summarizes.  “All of the situations Simon finds himself in are slightly off and unexpected, altered in some way.  And as he gets closer to his lost memories, it has huge repercussions for everyone involved.”


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