在A組 日本身處在強林之中 要分別與巴西 義大利 墨西哥對抗並不容易

難怪日本媒體說 如果能分到B組就好了  哈哈哈

不過在B組 由業餘球員組成的大溪地 他們卻以奮戰精神贏得了敬意  


西班牙的兩位奶爸 Torres & Villa 攜手共同 Seven up

  2013聯合會杯-DavidVilla- Fernando Torres-goalx7   

兩位奶爸進球的慶祝  變得含蓄多了  好像興奮度不夠呢

當然  這是有原因的



(雖然Villa上回這麼興奮的一戳  造成指頭骨折  哈哈哈~~~ 不過這也代表他們有多麼的快樂呀! )


遙想當年Euro2008 是西班牙國家隊第一次破除所謂冠軍夢魘 


征服世界 在2010世足賽拿到冠軍  在Euro2012繼續連莊

可是就在這短短五年 當年意氣風發的兩位西班牙前鋒

最近的一年 在各自的俱樂部球隊都不甚得志




這場算是熱身練兵的杯賽  能讓這兩位西班牙奶爸前鋒

為自己下一個賽季的展望  打開一片新局呢




完完全全採用Plan B 也能大贏對手十球




嗯....Plan A 也要貼出來對照  才能知道西班牙的厲害



Plan A 與 B 重覆的人是Ramos

不過 後來西班牙教練還是讓Navas換下他的body body 之Ramos



至此  西班牙全體球員沒有上場的 就只有第二號球門 之 Barca球門之Victor 先生了

說不定 教練會讓Victor先生在第三場面對奈及利亞的比賽中上場 以示公平



Group B

Spain 10-0 Tahiti (Fernando Torres (5', 33', 57', 78', David Silva 31', 89', David Villa 39', 49', 64', Juan Mata 66')

Man of the Match : Fernando TORRES (Spain)


Nigeria 1-2 Uruguay  (Mikel 37’; Lugano 19’ Forlan 51’)

Man of the Match : Diego Forlan ( Uruguay)


'The difference in class was obvious and reflected the gap between the professional and the amateur game. Tahiti set an example in terms of fair play and went forward whenever they had the opportunity,' Vicente del Bosque, Spain coach.


大溪地 一個由業餘球員所組成的球隊 能在前30分鐘左右 擋住西班牙的進攻 這已經算是偉業了

賽後大溪地球員紛紛找西班牙球員合影留念 哈哈 一整個粉絲作風非常的可愛


看球看很多年會發現 歲月這種東西 是很現實又殘酷

轉眼間 當年年少輕狂的Forlan也已經是烏拉圭國家隊的老將了

不過老兵不死  他們與奈及利亞這場賽事 還是由這位老兵拿到Man of Match


B組 看起來該是由西班牙與烏拉圭攜手晉級了


巴西 義大利 西班牙 烏拉圭  的四強賽

不管怎麼交叉 感覺都不錯看的樣子呢


Official data just for reference:


THE DAY REPLAYED – Sport comes in all shapes and sizes and while the game between Spain and Tahiti may have been one-sided, the experience of playing in front of 71,806 fans at the Maracana will live with the Oceanians forever. To their credit, Eddy Etaeta’s side played in a positive manner and for a large part of the first half, limited Spain to just a handful of opportunities. They had attitude and effort in abundance, but displayed defensive naïveté; their high line allowing Spain to counter-attack with ease.


La Furia Roja found themselves cast in the unfamiliar role as pantomime villains, with the crowd fully behind the underdogs. Every save of Mikael Roche was loudly cheered and the roof nearly lifted off the famous arena when Fernando Torres clipped the top of the crossbar with his 78th minute penalty. Roche was enjoying playing to the crowd, celebrating as if he had just made the save of the century, but it was Torres who would go on to have the last laugh, scoring his fourth goal a minute later, equalling the tournament’s record.


Meanwhile in Group B’s other game, the experience of Uruguay told against the youth of Nigeria in an even contest. After a bright start by La Celeste, the Super Eagles grew into the game, with only a wonder-strike by Diego Forlan separating the sides. Although the African champions were guilty of making defensive mistakes during the 90 minutes, they showed that their squad is full of talent which is being well-nurtured by coach Stephen Keshi.


What it means…

Uruguay’s victory over Nigeria leaves them well-placed to qualify for the semi-finals, given that their feared forward line of Luis Suarez, Edinson Cavani and Forlan will be coming up against the amateurs of Tahiti who have already shipped 16 goals in their two games so far. That means that Nigeria would need to end Spain’s 24-match unbeaten run in Fortaleza, with the Europeans technically need a point to be certain of qualification.


Goal of the day

Diego Forlan (URU)

Prior to this game the Internacional forward had gone 12 games for his country without scoring a goal. Yet in Salvador on the evening that he made his 100th appearance, becoming the first Uruguayan player to achieve that feat, the scene was set for something special. The 34-year-old capped his century with a superb strike. The famous La Celeste forward line of Suarez, Cavani and Forlan combined to devastating effect. The latter allowed the ball to run across his body and struck a left-footed drive past the outstretched hand of Vincent Enyeama into the top corner.


Stat of the day

10 – The world and European champions became the first team in FIFA Confederations Cup history to reach double figures. During the match, Torres also became the only player to record two hat-tricks in the tournament, having scored one against New Zealand in 2009.


Quote of the day

"Tahiti set an example in terms of fair play and went forward whenever they had the opportunity. We didn’t score more goals because they didn’t let us. This game hasn’t damaged football in any way. In some ways it’s made it even stronger.” Vicente del Bosque, Spain coach.

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