31歲的年齡  比日本冰上小王子羽生足足大了十歲以上



不過 看到了Plushenko

真的 ....就會讓人產生 " We want to believe"的心情



各國紛紛舉行國家級錦標賽  參加的選手多半都是覬覦明年年初的冬季奧運而來


從2006年都靈冬運金牌 到2010年溫哥華冬運銀牌

這回在2014 Sochi冬運他是否能以東道主的身份參加競逐呢


短曲拿到了98.41分暫時的領先 接下來就看長曲的表現了




“I’m happy with my skate today because I did everything that I had planned to,” Plushenko said, “I did a quad-triple combination, which was very important for me. I think the jumps were very good.”

“The only thing I need to work on is the spins. I need to add a little bit because they were very weak today.”






可是站在俄羅斯冰協的角度  到底要不要讓年輕的好手上場 也是難題


Plushenko, 31, is expected to be given Russia’s single men’s figure skating Olympic spot. There is a chance that Maksim Kovtun, 18, could take the spot if he’s very impressive and Plushenko is out of form at nationals and/or the European Championships in January.


Plushenko的直接競爭對手是18歲的Maksim Kovtun

在GP Final上其實也表現的不錯

不過還是敗給了日本軍團跟Patrick Chan

在六人參賽之下 拿到第五名而已



不過 場上見真章 如果冰皇拿下了冠軍  大家應該就沒話說吧

畢竟冰上皇帝一出 氣場整個不同  雖然青春不在 寶刀仍是不老


看到一位網友剪輯出一段 以X Files的原聲帶音樂為背景的 "We want to believe"


從2002年的鹽城冬運開始 整整14個年頭了

如果連四屆 Plushenko都能堅持到底的站上冬季奧運的舞台


(**如果夢想成真 他會成為史上第二位勇奪四屆冬運獎牌的選手

第一位奪四屆冬運獎牌的是 Swede Gillis Grafstrom,

who won gold in 1920, 1924 and 1928 and silver in 1932)



俄羅斯冰上之皇 在聖誕夜的俄國花滑國家代表錦標賽中的短曲表演


Evgeni PLUSHENKO SP-Russian National Championships 2014






Evgeni Plushenko Sotchi 2014 - We want to believe




for reference:

 Yevgeny Plushenko leads after Russian Nationals short program

Nick Zaccardi  Dec 24, 2013

Three-time Olympic medalist Yevgeny Plushenko landed a quadruple-triple jump combination as part of a clean short program to take the early lead at the Russian National Championships on Tuesday.

Plushenko, 31, scored 98.41 points at Sochi’s Iceberg Skating Palace (video here), which will also host the Olympic figure skating events in February.

He opened with a quadruple toe loop-triple toe loop combination and added a triple Axel and a triple Lutz.

Plushenko performed in front of signs and posters that read, “Always The King,” “Tsar on Ice” and “We believe in a dream.” He held both index fingers in the air after finishing his skate.

“I’m happy with my skate today because I did everything that I had planned to,” Plushenko said, according to R-Sport. “I did a quad-triple combination, which was very important for me. I think the jumps were very good.”

“The only thing I need to work on is the spins. I need to add a little bit because they were very weak today.”

Plushenko is expected to be given Russia’s single men’s figure skating Olympic spot. His closest competition is Maksim Kovtun, 18, who finished second at two Grand Prix season events and fifth at the Grand Prix Final earlier this month.

Kovtun earned 93.08 points in the short program Tuesday (video here), second to Plushenko.

The free skate is on Christmas at 7:45 a.m. ET. 

Plushenko is coming off a left knee injury that forced him to withdraw from a Grand Prix event in Moscow in November. Before that, he won a minor event in Riga, Latvia.

That was his first competition since withdrawing after the short program of the last season’s European Championships in January with a back injury.

In February, Plushenko would try to become the second skater to win four Olympic singles figure skating medals, joining Swede Gillis Grafstrom, who won gold in 1920, 1924 and 1928 and silver in 1932.


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