而且 或許是英雄所見略同
去年milanhime所選的人選 跟The New Yorker專欄的作家Michael Schulman所選的差不多
Oscars 2014: The Best Speeches 又會是誰呢......
等到夜半回家後 只能跳著看最主要的幾個獎項 自然無法做到很客觀的評選
不過 從幾個主要大獎的致詞來評選也無所謂啦
Oscars 2013 The Best Speeches
Best 1
最佳男主角Daniel Day-Lewis (Method演技出神入化 連前後台的致詞都能如此精湛迷人)
Best 2
最佳男配角 Christoph Waltz (不管賣座只管演戲有無傳達出去那份演員本色 認真又專業)
Best 3
最佳影片之班先生Ben Affleck (從心靈補手到今日Argo這條路 前頭雖然一陣慌亂,不過到最後自然動情最顯熱情)
Best 3 + 1
當然就是所謂的台灣之光的 李安大導演了 (溫厚有情義)
開口台灣 閉口台灣 這位台灣最佳形象廣告代言人 真的讓台灣同胞感到與有榮焉呀!
當時這位紐約的Schulman先生的評分是Daniel Day-Lewis A+ , 李安 A, Christoph Waltz A-
哈哈 milanhime個人覺得今年的男主角致詞相當糟
結果呢 哈哈 最佳男主角真的被人打到最差的"C"的分數了
說真格的 milanhime對其得獎感言快要聽不下去 一整個不知所云
(哈哈 或許這可能跟milanhime當時觀看時的精神強度已弱有關係 哈哈)
只能由此得證~~~ "吾道不孤也!"
The winner goes to......
Best 1 最佳男配角 Jared Leto
Best 2 最佳女配角 Lupita Nyong’o
Best 3 最佳女主角 Cate Blanchett
其實這三人講話都自然動情 致詞內容也很有意義
女配角因為種種的際遇都是人生第一次 所以得獎感言真情流露 能夠讓人隨之而感動
哈哈 不過milanhime難免會有偏心之嫌
因為Jared Leto跟Cate Blanchett本來就是milanhime這些年非常喜愛的演員
一個長得帥 (無庸置疑 懷疑的人請看一下這位演員的眼睛 真的非常美麗 哈哈)
一個很會演 一整個就是milanhime非常喜愛的女王級女星典型 (請看魔戒三部曲及伊莉莎白女王系列)
milanhime真的看過Jared Leto的大部份作品
當然這次得獎的作品Dallas Buyers Club 還沒看過
既然得獎 雖然內容好像蠻沉重還是會看看吧......
是說Jared Leto也拍過一些很無聊的作品 milanhime照樣都看 看完真的......很無聊很無言就是了
不過追星本來就不需要理由...... 哈哈哈
一旦讓milanhime迷上 往往就讓人破費去補足這些演員們過往的相關作品
所以一些很古早的片子 都是用Amazon網購或是上網透過租片服務來彌補沒看過的缺憾
Mr. Nobody 2007 這部很奇妙 Jared Leto好像很喜歡演這種很微妙的作品
Lonely Hearts 2005 真的是為了看演出殺人犯的他才看完的
Lord of War 2004 被哥哥疼愛的我見猶憐型的喀藥瘋狂弟弟
Alexander 2003 被亞歷山大尊重與疼愛的大臣 哈哈 milanhime故意這樣說
Panic Room 2002 完全看不出他長得很帥的痞子殺手
Requiem for a Dream 2000 剋藥母子檔的故事 當選milanhime票選看了心情會變超級不好的"巨片"
American Psycho 1999 衣冠楚楚卻一下子就被美國殺人魔Christian Bale砍死的路人甲角色 雖然milanhime的重點在殺人魔上
Girl, Interrupted 1999 跟裘莉合作的首部片子
Fight Club 1999 跟裘莉老公彼德合作的首部片子
The Thin Red Line 1998 大堆頭男星中的路人甲 哈哈 真的 美國大兵一堆 milanhime都認不出人來
Basil 1997 某年某月某一天在電視上突然看到而讓milanhime驚為天人的純情戀愛作品
Prefontaine 1996 路跑人生奮鬥史 milanhime特別網購一區片觀賞
How to Make an American Quilt 1995 編織戀愛夢 milanhime很喜歡的作品 可是對Jared Leto不太有印象就是了
瞧! 一點都沒有開玩笑吧
為了公平起見 milanhime也要把過往看過本屆最佳女主角的作品列表一下
基本上光是精靈女王 英國伊麗莎白的系列作就不得了了
因為milanhime非常愛看歐美古裝片 而布蘭琪的氣質超佳 演女王貴族等等都速配
氣場要跟男主角抗衡 真的需要這位布蘭琪女王出馬
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey 2012 精靈女王不用解釋
Hanna 2011 冷酷殺手主管卻帶滑稽感
Robin Hood 2008 英國時代劇 一整個Lady氣質無誤
The Curious Case of Benjamin 2008 班澤明的知心女友 好萊塢
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull 2007 重點在Indiana Jones父子的片子
Elizabeth: The Golden Age Queen Elizabeth I 2007 一代女皇最佳代言
I'm Not There. Jude 2007 大部頭致敬片 插花之作
Notes on a Scandal 2006 布蘭琪典型片
The Good German 2006 冷豔布蘭琪
Babel 2005 奧斯卡當年最佳影片競爭大作
The Aviator 2004 氣場能更里奧先生抗衡的女人
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King 2003 精靈女王不用解釋
The Missing 2003 布蘭琪典型片
Veronica Guerin 2002 布蘭琪典型片
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers 2002 精靈女王不用解釋
Heaven 2001 布蘭琪典型片
The Shipping News 2001 溫馨片
Charlotte Gray 2001 布蘭琪典型片
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring 2001 精靈女王不用解釋
The Gift 2000 懸疑緊張片
The Man Who Cried 1999 太久的片不太有印象
The Talented Mr. Ripley 1999 天才雷普利 路人甲角色
Pushing Tin 1999 跟裘莉共演作品 男人的戰爭
An Ideal Husband 1999 milanhime喜歡的王爾德古典時代劇
Elizabeth 1997 一代女皇最佳代言
Oscar and Lucinda 1997 跟Ralph Fiennes共演氣氛非常特別的milanhime最愛之一
把Jared Leto列為本次奧斯卡得獎者致詞最佳
或許因為他是第一個獲頒獎的人 致詞講的話得體又自然
感謝家人的方式頗有新意 感謝劇組雖然是老套 不過這個禮也無法免
最後還不忘感謝他在劇中所詮釋的角色的真實人生中的相關人等 這等人道關懷的心意讓人感動
而這 就是最佳男主角所完全欠缺的
不是說感謝主就不好 而是最佳男主角講的實在是太過冗長與自我感覺良好
相比與去年 今年的最佳男主角的致詞真的沒啥讓人想要記得的內容
睡前在管子上有找到Jared Leto 和Lupita Nyong'o的致詞片段
不過一覺醒來 發現通通都被刪掉了
好嘉在今晨睡前 mialnhime有做了幾個功課
等一下就偷偷的放在另一篇奧斯卡最愛頒獎人那邊好了 哈哈哈
以下for reference: 留一些網路上的報導當作紀念
Oscars 2014: Watch Jared Leto’s Amazing Acceptance Speech for Supporting Actor
First-time Oscar winners Jared Leto and Lupita Nyong'o delivered two of the most memorable speeches of the night.
In a particularly competitive year, emotions were running high at the 86th Academy Awards -- and that showed in the winners' speeches. our editor recommends Solomon Northup Descendant on Watching '12 Years a Slave': 'It Felt Like It Was Me' (Video) Oscars: The Winners' Reactions
Jared Leto kicked off the night, accepting the first award -- for best supporting actor -- for his turn in Dallas Buyers Club. Leto began his speech by calling out his mother ("Thank you for teaching me to dream") and brother ("The best big brother in the world, you're a true artist").
Leto's speech took a turn for the political as he spoke to those watching from Ukraine and Venezuela, encouraging them to keep dreaming and keep pushing, offering his full support. As his film is centered around the issue of AIDS, Leto also spoke to the victims of the disease.
"This is for the 36 million people who have lost the battle to AIDS and to those of you out there who have ever felt injustice because of who you are or who you love; tonight I stand here in front of the world with you and for you," Leto said.
以下是The New Yoker專欄作家打的分數 也可參考一下看看
The Oscars: Grading the Speeches
Jared Leto (Best Supporting Actor): At the Golden Globes, Leto used his perch to speak of Brazilian waxes and bubble butts. Had he gone through adolescence between then and Oscar night? Kind of. Looking like a stoned cater waiter, he began, “In 1971, Boger City, Louisiana, there was a teen-age girl who was pregnant with her second child.” Was this the lede of a New Yorker Profile? In fact, it was an homage to his mother, who was tearing up in the audience. Then Leto thanked his brother (for “this insane and amazing adventure that is 30 Seconds to Mars”) and spoke to “all the dreamers out there around the world watching this tonight in places like Ukraine and Venezuela.” I’m not sure if the dreamers of the Crimean peninsula were watching the Oscars, since they’re busy getting invaded, but it was a nice thought. Finally, he dedicated the prize to “the thirty-six million people who have lost the battle to AIDS.” No mention of the bubble butt. B+
Lupita Nyong’o (Best Supporting Actress): Nyong’o, besides having the best dress of the night, delivered far and away the best speech: humble, gracious, and principled without being grandiose. “It doesn’t escape me for one moment that so much joy in my life is thanks to so much pain in someone else’s,” she began. Then she thanked her director, her co-stars, the editor (“the invisible performer”), her family, and the Yale School of Drama (which Meryl Streep also attended, so I assume they offer training in perfect Oscar speeches). Finally, Nyong’o, who grew up in Kenya and Mexico, held up her statuette as a reminder “that no matter where you’re from, your dreams are valid.” It was a thoughtful, politically meaningful spin on that Oscar cliché that “your dreams can come true.” Extra points (as if she needed them) for hugging Liza Minnelli on her way up. A+
Cate Blanchett (Best Actress): Winning her second Oscar, Blanchett presented herself as a shrewd old-timer, beginning: “As random and as subjective as this award is, it means a great deal in a year of extraordinary—yet again—extraordinary performances by women.” Her shout-outs to her fellow-nominees seemed genuine, including “Julia hashtag ‘Suck it,’ you know what I mean?” Well, no one else does, but I’m onboard regardless. When it came to Shmoody Shmallen, she held briefly for applause, of which there was an uncertain smattering. Then she dispelled the notion that “female films with women at the center are niche experiences. They are not. Audiences want to see them, and, in fact, they earn money. The world is round, people!” Needless to say, making money got more applause than her director. A-
Matthew McConaughey (Best Actor): Cater Waiter No. 2 told his fellow-nominees that “I didn’t see a false note anywhere,” but I could point out a few in this self-indulgent lemon of a speech. Matthew McConaughey, we learned, needs three things each day: something to look up to, something to look forward to, and someone to chase. What he looks up to is God, who has shown him that “it’s a scientific fact that gratitude reciprocates.” Scientific fact, eh? What he looks forward to is his family, including his father, who’s relaxing in his underwear with a “big pot of gumbo” in Man Cave heaven. His hero? Surprise! It’s him ten years in the future. This was an Oscar telecast with two montages of movie heroes, though shockingly neither included Phyllis Nefler, the Shelley Long character from “Troop Beverly Hills.” Ten-years-in-the-future Matthew McConaughey wasn’t there, either, perhaps because he still hasn’t learned to say something about AIDS when winning an award for an AIDS movie, and is still hawking his grating catchphrase, “All right, all right, all right.” It’s time for the preening McConaissance to come to a close. All right? C
哈哈 這張目前網路上最火的照片
milanhime竟然是 轉推雷神弟Loki之 Tom Hiddleston的個人twitter的