因為擔心 蘇格蘭警場需要改名 哈哈 單純愛說笑啦
上午就悄悄的打開BBC LIVE 看現場開票結果
Scotland Decides
斗大的字 是攝影棚背板的主要字樣
由大家來決定 所以 無論如何最後的結果都是 Scotland Decides
曾經 蘇格蘭人民的自由是這樣爭取的.....
蘇格蘭人民用自己的意志 手中的選票 決定自己的未來
中午用餐時間 跟同事外出排隊買便當
這時候回頭望向同事同事 兩人同時都搖起了頭來
因為我們走在路上時 都在聊蘇格蘭的情勢....結果我們的新聞卻.....
媒體帶著台灣人民遠離世界 讓觀眾只能小鼻子小眼睛的關心社會案件
卻對會影響全球經濟 軍事 等均衡的事 擺在後面短短的國際新聞
這樣一般普羅大眾 如果只能透過電視了解時事 究竟能夠了解什麼才是重要的事嗎?
會不會影響西班牙 加拿大等地 聲勢越來越大的公民自決活動呢? 蠻讓人好奇的
不過 結果就是"蘇格蘭決定Scotland Decides "了吧
Scottish independence referendum
Final result
1,617,989(45%) said Yes
2,001,926(55%) said No
Turnout was 84.5%
Cameron: Key quotes
Prime Minister David Cameron: "The people of Scotland have spoken and it is a clear result. They have kept our country of four nations together and like millions of other people I am delighted.
"As I said during the campaign, it would have broken my heart to see our United Kingdom come to an end.
"And I know that sentiment was shared by people not just across our country but around the world because of what we have achieved together in the past, and what we can do together in the future.
"So, now it is time for our United Kingdom to come together and to move forward.
"A vital part of that will be a balanced settlement, fair to people in Scotland and importantly to everyone in England, Wales and Northern Ireland as well.
"To those in Scotland sceptical of the constitutional promises that were made, let me say this: we have delivered on devolution under this government and we will do so again in the next parliament.
"The three pro-Union parties have made commitments, clear commitments on further powers for the Scottish Parliament.
"We will ensure that those commitments are honoured in full."
蘇格蘭人民如何接受這個最後決定 還值得繼續觀察
- Scotland has voted to stay in the United Kingdom
- 55% of voters said No to independence, while 45% said Yes
- Turnout was nearly 84.5%
- The final result was announced in Edinburgh in the last hour by Scotland's Chief Counting Officer Mary Pitcaithly
以上是milanhime的data for referece