
結果 睜開眼開燈先看當時戰績 哪知道

Live 的視窗上出現的是 

Djokovic vs Murray 5:5

心想這是怎麼回事 決賽對手不是費拔嗎?

再去查看官網  決賽對手的確寫的是費拔?


事情實在是太懸疑了  只好起床去看比賽








33歲 四個小孩的爸 四強賽打了快三個鐘頭 在休息不到24小時的狀況下要出賽

就算沒有受傷 戰力恢復恐怕也要打折扣

加上下週還有代表國家的Davis Cup決賽要打

健康的身體是唯一 老將這種無奈的選擇


好嘉在地主國有位Andy Murray

這位跟寶貝是兒時開始的球伴 能夠接受徵召出面打場表演賽娛樂大家一下 


27歲的寶貝在27年前藍道得到World Tour Finals三連霸後 再次創下三連霸紀錄

這也就是說  藍道在27年得到三連霸那年寶貝才剛出生囉




寶貝就是寶貝  回答的答案竟然是......結婚生子 



這次年終大賽 真的最精彩的兩場賽事就是四強賽了

從twitter上知道  四強賽事當中 寶貝一度動氣

因為現場觀眾都在為日本小將加油  讓寶貝一時間火了起來


寶貝就是寶貝  當年在美網對上Roddick 也因為觀眾群起的噓聲

而氣到與整場觀眾為敵  都幾年過去了  老毛病還是照犯

賽後那個"一點"的簽名 或許就是寶貝火大的象徵

也因為如此 賽後記者會遲遲都沒有露臉

有記者就說  賽後等記者會的時間 竟然比整個比賽的長度還要長


不然立即出面開記者會 又不知道會鬧出什麼嘴炮風波

成為球王之後 總算知道好好反省

最後 寶貝還是有為比賽當中 挑釁觀眾的反應致歉

當上把拔之後 還是要學習平心靜氣面對場面的





Djokovic throws down gauntlet to his rivals

Novak Djokovic laid down the challenge to his rivals on Sunday after completing another year as world number one.


"Right now, I'm at the pinnacle in my career," the 27-year-old Serb declared after claiming a third consecutive ATP World Tour Finals title by default when Roger Federer withdrew before their showpiece final with a back injury.

"I physically feel very fit. I'm very motivated to keep on playing on a very high level. I'm going to try to use these years in front of me to fight for the number one of the world and fight for the biggest titles."

Djokovic ends the season as number one for the third time in four years having won a seventh grand slam at Wimbledon and Masters 1000 titles in Miami, Indian Wells, Rome, Paris and this week's year-ender in London.

While arch-rival Rafa Nadal is still recovering from a wrist injury followed by appendicitis, Andy Murray is struggling to return to his best form after back surgery a year ago and 33-year-old Federer cannot hold back time forever, new dad Djokovic appears to be reaching his prime.

In London, he dropped only nine games in his three group matches before seeing off Japan's Kei Nishikori in the semis and he will start 2015 having clearly set the benchmark for men's tennis.


Djokovic said he was disappointed his year ended with a hollow victory -- even if it meant he was the first to win the year-ender three times in succession since Ivan Lendl.


"This is probably the first time in history that this happens," said Djokovic, who found out shortly before the final that Federer was withdrawing.


"It's a very awkward situation to talk about it, to be honest. You never like to win, especially these big matches against big rivals, with a retirement."


Djokovic rejected any suggestion that Federer had pulled out to save himself for next week's Davis Cup final.

"The stats are saying clearly that he is one of those players that would compete and always fight if he can," Djokovic said. "He has had, what, three retirements in his entire career?


"I don't think he was calculating and trying to save his body for the Davis Cup final. I'm sure that wasn't the case. This is probably one of the biggest matches of the year for him, as well as for me."

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