2005-09 Forza Milan cover (這本該不能錯過吧!)

週六夜晚的聖西羅,隊長率領著令義大利媒體猜不透的先發球員上場了,或許是攝影師也知道要珍惜隊長的每一次上場吧! 一開始,就像老妹看到比賽開場畫面脫口而出說的,哇!這有點像是隊長特輯喔! 有點可惜的是,電視台的球員介紹應是擋了好一陣子畫面,讓人忍不著嘀咕,要介紹球員待會兒再上球員卡就好啦,這樣切入畫面還真是暴殄天物呢!
話雖如此說,對於隊長的情況還是充滿了關心,只要Siena的人進攻,還是戰戰兢兢的看著我們高齡後防線的運作.不過隊長或許知道我們的關心,這一場比賽中,展現了幾個後衛防守的精彩示範動作,而電視台也很配合的,還會為隊長加上慢動作的示範動作重播,真的是.......太服務觀眾了......嗯! 可以記嘉獎一個!

又,還好的是,我們的進攻多,控球又久,唯一的失分是老毛病再發,定位球的失分,唉! 比賽要有高潮迭起才精彩,米蘭深懂吸引觀眾注意力的真髓,比賽中一定要製造這種戲劇高潮點,我想一時之間也拿他們沒辦法,所以也不打算碎碎念下去了!

又,還好的是,我們的進攻多,控球又久,唯一的失分是老毛病再發,定位球的失分,唉! 比賽要有高潮迭起才精彩,米蘭深懂吸引觀眾注意力的真髓,比賽中一定要製造這種戲劇高潮點,我想一時之間也拿他們沒辦法,所以也不打算碎碎念下去了!

Gila一定是整場比賽中,上鏡畫面最多的人了! 儘管他積極跑動,也努力嘗試射門,奈何怎麼樣都與球門差了一點點,所以週六夜的聖西羅,嘆息聲與歡呼聲快要成為正比了!當所有人都把期待放在他的身上,那種壓力實在太過巨大! 看到他每次錯失機會的表情,真的希望他不要太急呀!
相對之下,其他的米蘭球員都表現的很不錯,比起Ascoli的首場開幕戰,真的......比賽內容完全的不同. 對了,Pippo也不願錯過米蘭本賽季在聖西羅的首戰,他選擇到南看台和紅黑米蘭的球迷混在一起為米蘭加油! 這個人真的是服務精神到家,自己沒能上場,也要做好與球迷之間的良好關係與互動!

閃靈Kaka, 為聖西羅加強了亮度.....

閃靈Kaka, 為聖西羅加強了亮度.....
Gazzetta dello Sport 米蘭體育報的評分:
Dida:7 Stam:6.5 Cafu:6 Nesta:6 Maldini:6 Serginho:6.5 Ambrosini:7 Pirlo:6 Seedorf:6 Gattuso:6 Rui Costa:6 Kaka':6.5 Shevchenko:7 Gilardino:5.5 Ancelotti:6.5
Dida:7 Stam:6.5 Cafu:6 Nesta:6 Maldini:6 Serginho:6.5 Ambrosini:7 Pirlo:6 Seedorf:6 Gattuso:6 Rui Costa:6 Kaka':6.5 Shevchenko:7 Gilardino:5.5 Ancelotti:6.5
Nesta: 6
Maldini: 6
動作快速,在球場中央移動,關門,加入攻擊. 據說,他在每次比賽都會對自己說,這是我選手生活最後一場的[遺言].週六的比賽,是他瞄準冠軍的比賽風格吧!
Ambrosini: 7
是前鋒,是中場,也是後衛! 在他處於這樣狀態的時候,這位立於球場中央的年輕卻充滿古風的男子,就成為整體的足球員了.他是活力的源泉,也有個人特色!
Kaka: 6.5
從加速到前進禁區,對他來說八分鐘就足夠了! 他令人驚奇的輕鬆就切入Siena的防衛線中.人們說,真正的才能,是在於他的行動是讓人看來是如此的簡單! 而才能只能用四個字來說明,那就是Kaka'
Yahoo Sport Milan-Siena Ratings:
Dida:7;Maldini:7;Nesta:6.5;Stam:6.5;Ambrosini:7;Pirlo:5.5;Rui Costa:7; Seedorf:6.5; Serginho:6; Gilardino:5.5; Shevchenko:7.5; Cafu:5.5; Gattuso:5.5; Kaka':7; Ancelotti:6
Dida:7;Maldini:7;Nesta:6.5;Stam:6.5;Ambrosini:7;Pirlo:5.5;Rui Costa:7; Seedorf:6.5; Serginho:6; Gilardino:5.5; Shevchenko:7.5; Cafu:5.5; Gattuso:5.5; Kaka':7; Ancelotti:6
MALDINI: 'Milan did well and had fun'
MILAN – The post Milan-Siena match analysis by Captain Paolo Maldini, who as always put on an impeccable performance: ‘I am very happy because we gave a powerful demonstration. We demonstrated that Milan are doing well and know how to have fun. We were in some risky situations, we must pay closer attention on the defensive side, and then we will be competitive in every aspect. We saw tonight that it is not a question of the defensive lineup, but of attention. Gilardino? He moved well, he must stay absolutely calm. His value is known by all. Everyone is confident in him: the club, us and the fans.’ On his condition and the possibility that he will return to the field in three days, the captain said: ‘We will see how I am tomorrow, this was the first whole game.’ On turnover: ‘It is a normal thing, considering the alternatives that there are at Milan. And it is something to repeat, to give more space to some players and to let some others breathe. Dida? I have great confidence in him. Along with Buffon, he is the greatest keeper in the world. Dida’s problems never existed for us. Gattuso? He took the field with the right spirit, just like the rest of us. We searched to score the whole time, this is our nature and it will be like this for the whole season.’ AMBROSINI: ‘Choosing the right time is a gift'
MILANELLO - Massimo Ambrosini, one of the heroes of yesterday’s victory against Siena, gave an exclusive interview to the Milan Channel at the end of this morning’s training: ‘I am doing well. The team is doing well. We played a good game. This is what we really wanted after two weeks of everyone writing and talking about it. We had the desire to do well, the spirit was just right. Even if we had some difficulty in managing the game, on the whole we dominated.’ And for the midfielder from Pesaro this was also his 19th goal in the Rossonero jersey. ‘The field helps you on the attack,’ explained Ambro. ‘Choosing the right time is a gift that one has, but it must be trained and cultivated.’ The Champions League returns on Tuesday: ‘This competition is important to us for many reasons, the satisfactions and emotions are different in respect to the Championship. It is right to try to win.’ 全站熱搜