這些天唯一看的球賽是Bremen的週中客場比賽....竟然看到的是2002年讓人心碎世界杯的那號人物.....沒來由的...不,也該是有來由吧....FIFA official guide 介紹參加世界杯各國代表時,目前為止我獨選擇"漏看"的一國就是....沒錯,就是隔鄰的韓國了....沒辦法呀...人的偏見呀....有時會想,如果當年他們的比賽在裁判判決的爭論少一點的話....或許,會以同為亞洲代表卻能在歐美足球強權國家中掙得一席之地而同感歡喜....不過,結果卻不是如此....一而再,再而三被吹掉的進球,引起爭議的判決...當看到安貞煥時,又再次的被提醒...雖然當年的Azzurri真的不夠團結也不爭氣,輸球也不必找那麼多的藉口,可是呀可是...那卻是隊長最後的世界杯呀...想到這就頗懊惱如此的結局......
PAOLO MALDINI: 'Want to play consistently'
MILANELLO - Paolo Maldini was back at the training ground after the operation to his right knee in Antwrep. The Milan captain said: 'I feel good, the operation went well, I have no pain. I will be out for two or two and half months. I want to be ready to get back on July 20.'
And his thoughts on retiring: 'I would not have had the operation and in the meantime waited calmly until next season. Instead, my idea is to recover quickly for next season and play consistently. After getting off the crutches I will look to build up the muscles without putting pressure on the knee. I will be on holiday from the first of June and work alone. Everything will be based on the check-up I have at the end of the month.'
'Milan have always been protagonists'
Looking ahead to the title run-in, Paolo Maldini said: 'Anything can happen in football. It's difficult now because so much of the season has gone. We are three points from the top and it's a success if you think where we were three months ago. If we win at Parma we have the final game at home and we can still have a successful finale. It's been a positive season for us, We played consistently, but it's a pity about the stupid points we dropped along the way, we can think of Ascoli, I didn't play in that game. We could play in that game and didn't have the chance to do so as Juventus and Inter had.'
On to the Champions League: 'We came up against the best of the three semi-finalists in Barcelona. It was very equal over the two weeks and we didn't deserve to lose. Then, the Sheva incident in Barcelona decided it. It's a shame but Barcelona are top side and play the best football along with Milan, we will keep looking ahead. We are ready to try again. We have always been protagonists on all fronts this season, so sooner or later you will win if that is the case.'