這一個賽季看到Arsenal出現一堆春風少年兄,還頂著個歐冠參賽中平均最年少的記錄,想想米蘭,紀錄剛好是相反吧! 德高望重固然有其份量,問題是新陳代謝不夠,終會積"老"成"疾",雖然最愛的隊長也是屬於提高隊上平均歲數的第二人,不過,還是希望看到隊上有新血輪的加入....而且前提是年齡不要太大啦....而蘋果臉金童Torres,真的已經是屬於年年期盼年年說的人物了...
雖然在目前的狀況下,他如果真的到了米蘭來,要遭到空前的競爭壓力,每一位前輩都不是好惹的,不過如果把爆發期放在明後年,他還是有無限的可能性吧....轉會消息中,英超豪門也對他很"肖想",最後結果會如何,也沒個準頭說 ,反正對於這種純粹看高興的新聞,沒事嘛....閒來就應和應和....
Milan to monitor Torres (2006-0508 Channel 4 news)
Milan are reportedly pondering a summer move for Fernando Torres after his agent opened the door for an Atletico Madrid exit.
The talented youngster, known as El Nino in his homeland, has been linked with a switch for some time and he’s edging closer to a big money move.
“There was a strong argument why Fernando needed to stay at Atletico last summer and that is this summer’s World Cup,” Jose Martin Otin is quoted as saying.
“Had he gone to Chelsea, for example, he could have risked his squad place given that he may not have played regularly.
“But what reason is there to stay now? There is none.”
The technically gifted attacker is on a number of clubs’ wish lists given his incredible potential on the biggest stage.
Milan have been watching the starlet for years and are known to have excellent relations with Atletico Madrid.
However, Torres also has admirers in England with Chelsea and Manchester United paired with the international.
Chelsea would have no problem meeting Atletico Madrid’s valuation, while the Old Trafford outfit could offer Ruud Van Nistelrooy in a swap deal.
沒想到Sheva的傷還真的是一回事,要out for 25days,那麼他是否就不太有機會參加義大利與烏克蘭的熱身賽囉! 有點小小的失望....身為本屆世界杯最受人矚目的前鋒,真的希望Sheva能如期康復,好好的在世界杯上亮出一身全能前鋒的功夫來...
與此相對的,對於Vieri out of World Cup的消息有點兒遺憾,還有想到那個待在皇馬板凳上若是在磨鐵杵恐怕都快能變成繡花針的昔日羅馬惡童Cassano,也同樣抱憾吧!
