Luck will change, 既然隊長如此說,球迷也願如此的相信.
歐冠小組賽已經有10強出線了. 這樣也好,有些球隊有懸念才會有高潮.Bremen跟Chelsea和Barcelona同在一組真的是可惜了.因為跟他們越來越投緣,也希望他們能在歐洲賽場走的久一點,不過最後只能你死我活,歐冠下一輪,想到就很精彩.昨天依然在電視前過夜,還好今天上午一直在外頭忙,倒也不覺得累.第五比賽日很節制,只打算看其中幾場比賽就好.
Milan就甭說了, Arsenal,Bremen,Valencia是這一賽季四大聯賽中的重點看球隊伍,這一輪除了米蘭之外,個個都很爭氣的贏球,也算是一種心情的平衡啦….雞蛋不要全擺在一個籃子裏,影響心情起伏的因素也要擴而大之的加以稀釋,這麼一來…有喜有悲,有苦有樂,日子才會好過…
清晨在Bremen vs Chelsea的歐冠比賽中,看到Sheva裹著厚厚的深藍色訓練服走在場邊,心中不由得出現一種異樣的情緒……以前在米蘭是天的他,在這邊卻要去適應群雄逐鹿的局面. 雖然說人世間諸行無常本就沒個定論,不過要做個不悔的選擇,真的要很堅強.
Luck will change, says Maldini 2006 –11-22 Digest from Channel 4
Captain Paolo Maldini is praying that qualification to the last 16 of the Champions League represents the end of Milan’s bad luck.
They lost their first game of the competition 1-0 to AEK Athens last night, but still progressed as Group H winners after Lille and Anderlecht drew 2-2.
“We had many opportunities tonight, but the main problem is represented by injuries,” said Maldini after the match in which Pippo Inzaghi also struck the post.
“Tonight we had two youth team players on the bench which means we are limited right now.
“I hope someone returns to action soon because playing a match every three days with the same men isn’t easy,” added the defender.
Milan lost Marcos Cafu to injury in training this week, Dario Simic in the pre-match warm-up and goalkeeper Nelson Dida in the second half.
“All these injuries are really strange, especially Dario’s,” added Maldini. “I hope that our unfortunate moment is over seeing that we have qualified as group winners.
“Today, with all the negative things there was also good news. Our mindset is not a problem, if we made it tonight then we can always make it. I am sure everything is about to change.”