Grande Capitano---Maldini makes 600!

600場是項光榮的紀錄,不過Milan Derby這場比賽差點成了隊長的告別賽,不過至少現在從米蘭內洛傳來的消息是…隊長目前不用開刀…..

昨晚在英國有場慈善紀念賽,曼聯vs歐洲明星隊,隊長有傷,Ronaldo又在努力減肥準備拍裸照示眾…XD,所以雙雙不克出席,最後我們家由歐洲明星隊教練Lippi的手下愛將Pirlo & Rino代表出席. 然而當天在老特拉福德球場,有一個人最受到大眾矚目,他就是同樣因傷無法上場,只能在場邊觀戰,中場休息還被特別安排走到球場接受球迷歡呼與採訪的貝克漢.

 歡喜在眉梢的貝克漢 跟老特拉福德七萬多球迷致意

在常逛的媒體照片供應網站上,這場曼聯與歐洲明星代表的比賽至目前共上傳了118張照片,可是光小貝一個人就佔有47張…這代表的是什麼? 媒體的寵兒這句話已不用再多說,不過看到照片後我只能說……小貝真的很愛曼聯.因為他從頭至尾展露出的笑容…讓人感覺到…那是打從心底的笑意.不是那種為了拍廣告而裝出的笑臉.

為何要提這樣的事呢,是想要表達…在現在的球壇想要從一而終不是一件簡單的事.因為除了自己意志問題外,更有太多太多外在的因素會影響一切.2007年4月號的Calcio雜誌的專題是……球隊旗手的世界( II mondo della Bandiera), 現在要對球衣表達自己的忠誠,可是越來越不簡單了. 

2007-04 Calcio cover

Paolo Maldini II Grande Capitano  保羅馬爾蒂尼 偉大的隊長

這是雜誌內容的特別專訪之一 (其他的還有永遠之都 永遠的隊長Totti,及亮出Inter旗幟的阿根廷人Zanetti兩篇),並有一則文章標題是…旗手喪失的時代,這不就清楚的說明,接下來要成為一隊之Bandiera真是不簡單, 這一期還做了個特別的小專集….還讓其中的主角登上封面,與前面所說的三大隊長爭輝,來者何人?不是別人正是我們家的Kaka…..標題就蠻開宗明義的….XDD

1982年生的天使與惡魔    Kaka & Cassano



btw... MU vs Europe XI 比賽中,我們家這兩位都上場

喜歡看到Rino 和 Ayala一起防守



Re:Channel 4   2007/03/13

Maldini survives surgery threat 

Paolo Maldini’s latest knee injury will not require surgery – but the Milan man may still be out of action for up to six weeks.


The veteran has been suffering with knee problems for some time and ended Sunday’s 2-1 derby defeat in visible pain after damaging his meniscus yet again.

The defender underwent a series of scans on Monday and Milan’s medical staff confirmed with a note on their website that an operation is currently not needed.

“Maldini is feeling better and is in less pain,” explained an official Via Turati statement.

“His situation will be followed closely over the next 48 hours and only after that period will it be possible to make a prognosis on the time needed for his full recovery and return to action.”

Maldini has admitted that this latest setback does worry him in such a crucial stage of the season for his beloved club.

Whispers around Milanello are suggesting that Maldini is likely to miss the Champions League last eight ties against Bayern Munich on April 3 and 11.

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