沒時間祝賀Kaka生日快樂,不過晚了一天,倒是可以為今天過生日的老弟一起送出祝福,嗯! 金牛座的,就是那個樣子. 有自己的堅持,好人卡從來不缺.

祝福Kaka生日快樂! 祝福Kei-chan生日快樂!(好巧…老弟的小名也是K字開頭耶!)


Bremen vs Aachen
德甲的Bremen周五第一個上場,主場一開場沒多久就被客隊Aachen攻門得分,讓人心中十分忐忑.好不容易在下半場換人成功,兩個替補紛紛建功,那個北歐金髮小朋友一定是福將,連續幾場替補上陣通通都得分救主.不過這場比賽的最高潮卻是在最後發生….眼看加時只剩數十秒就要結束,目前戰績徘徊在降級名單前一點點的客場Aachen門將想要在最後時候幫忙在禁區搶點,不料….首次攻擊未果,搶不到第二次進攻機會,球落在Bremen的腳下,只見Diego得球後,身手靈活往前飛奔,不過帶了幾步就決定在未過半場的中線之前起腳遠射,客隊門將苦苦的朝著自家球門努力回奔,不料….最後還是只能…望球興嘆,整個癱在球門前的草地之上. Diego興奮到不行,看到球的落點無誤之後,也就一路狂奔向球迷致意與發洩心中的歡喜,比賽剛好在慶祝進球當中就結束. 三分到手,Bremen也就在其他比賽未賽之前,暫時登上德甲榜首.

Stuttgart vs Bayern Munchen
這場比賽關鍵著現居第四名的Bayern到賽季末有無機會扳回顏面重返榜首,贏了第三名的Stuttgart就還有機會,輸了這場,本賽季基本上就完玩了. 沒有當家射手Gomes的Stuttgart沒想到得分還是完全沒有間斷,三分鐘內連進兩球的衝擊力,讓Bayern到了後頭呈現無抵抗狀況.這個形容詞當然不是我說的,而是我最喜歡的主播和解說兩人一搭一唱中間的一小部份內容.沒有想到這些年來的德甲霸主,在這一場比賽中選擇了棄甲歸田政策. 或許Bayern在後巴拉克時代的陣痛一直無法消除,加上少了小豬這等中場悍將,英格蘭七號要隻手撐天還是難呀! 整場比賽看到Stuttgart只要找到機會就猛烈的圍攻由Kahn陣守的大門,有種年邁的狼碰到”Hungry like a wolf”的同伴們的挑戰那般的心境.(***奇怪這兩三個賽季自己還蠻常看德甲的(***主要原因是沒有西甲可看啦***),不過仔細想想這也是有原因的,從小看世界杯比賽,西德前有碧根鮑華,後有克林斯曼,看西德彷彿是義大利之外的第二選擇.所以說…習慣很容易就變成自然了)

曼聯 vs 米堡

Milan vs Cagliari
Kaka打從一開始就高高興興的坐在看台上觀戰,真的很難得Ancelotti會讓他如此的安心休息,不過說真的…米蘭也真的需要偶爾練練所謂的 post-Kaka時代的進攻法才好! 中場Pirlo和Ambro兩人也坐在替補席中乘涼,雙翼Oddo和Junku則是看到前者穿著便服在看台上傻笑. 米蘭最近這兩三場比賽,曼聯都有派人到場觀戰,我想當看到安切今天這樣的排陣,怎麼樣想都會知道安切到底要打什麼牌……XDD
米蘭在Rino的帶領下出場,個人總覺得對方的球衣充滿了欺敵的效果,那種的配色,很奇怪的會讓人很不舒服,我是說我個人覺得啦…場上隊長在比賽初期有點沉不住氣,一些小爭吵是由Rino隊長帶頭,還好場上有巴西國家隊老隊長Cafu,要不然一開始就惹毛裁判,就算是主場,對我們也不是很有利. 卡卡二號古小弟難得先發還是顯得毛燥,一是他還青春正盛的個性使然,二是安切愛的不夠,上場機會不多磨練機會太少的原因造成. 最先被換下,古小弟回去後還要好好的檢討.

Ronaldo呀Ronaldo! 真的只能感謝皇馬,與當初看扁他的人(**咳…包括在下敝人我在內….).給他強烈的做給大家看的動機與重新來過的心態,不動則已,一動後衛們都要嚇著在等,胖的人跌倒當然不會好看,不過胖的人闖關也是勢不可擋,米蘭的第二球是Ronaodl用胸停挺進法進球的,怎麼看都會覺得原來肥水不落外人田是有道理的.

沒想到賽季末期,米蘭的調兵遣將可以達到後衛線全換的境界,想想在2007年開春,後衛線近乎全癱的當時,真的是完全不能想像,米蘭能夠如倒吃甘蔗般慢慢的讓球迷有股甜蜜甜入心坎嗎? 答案還是否定的….澳洲大高個還是難免莽撞,Kaladze的紅牌還好發牌的時間已晚,幸好保級球隊到了聖西羅,表現多少還是會有點綁手綁腳的打折,再加上Pirlo又進了一個絕妙藝術的任意球,最後才算為米蘭保住勝局. 好啦…得了三分,該盡的責任做到,其他就看別隊的表現了.


晚上…好整以暇的看著三場比賽的進度,心中設下的加油詞是….Roma不能輸,Inter晚點贏, Chelsea向前走走看……結果三場比賽看下來,加油詞全面失效,由此得證,….心力渙散的結果就是全敗. 在義甲昨晚穿藍黑的通通贏,Atlanta穿著藍黑球衣贏了羅馬,為主隊進第一球的Toni很搞笑….一進球就大脫衣服慶祝,完全無視黃牌的存在,Rosetti主審當然也全不客氣,Bobo最後有機會為Atlanta出力,雖然沒有進球,不過意思倒是做到了,好久不見的他,還是一如以往那樣的熟悉.


Chelsea的比賽到了最後….有點不忍看,因為鏡頭中一直抓著球迷的表情猛拍,從有機會追上紅魔到沒機會趕上紅魔,從希望到失望, 連我這種基本上叫做事不關己的旁觀者都產生淡淡的遺憾,那對搭了七,八個鐘頭的車到Newcastle為自己球隊加油的球迷來說,更是情何以堪! ......Newcastle 0  vs 0 Chelsea




Serie A Week 33 -   20070421 

Milan 3 - 1 Cagliari

Ronaldo 14, 69 (M), Suazo pen 74 (C), Pirlo 80 (M)
Stadio Meazza

Ronaldo bagged a brace as a second-string Milan side disposed of Cagliari 3-1.

Carlo Ancelotti rested almost all the players expected to start in the Champions League semi-final with Manchester United, having created a relatively comfortable four-point cushion in their push for fourth place. Nelson Dida was out injured, making way for Zeljko Kalac. Cagliari lost Leonardo Colucci, Alessandro Conticchio and the suspended Paolo Bianco.

The Sardinians had the first effort, as a free kick was touched on for Daniele Conti and Kalac comfortably smothered the low strike. There were also penalty appeals for a Marcos Cafu handling offence that was considered involuntary, as he had been nudged in the back.

Clarence Seedorf and Ricardo Oliveira failed to get the final touch to the ball from six yards.

Milan broke through in controversial circumstances. Marcos Cafu's sliding tackle on Cristiano Del Grosso angered Cagliari, but the referee waved play on and he rolled across for Ronaldo's simple tap-in.

Cafu's angled drive was flicked on by Ronaldo's heel, but Il Fenomeno was in an offside position.

Diego Lopez performed a desperate tackle to stop Ronaldo tapping in after he had quickly exchanged passes with Gennaro Gattuso.

Cagliari were almost handed an equaliser with a lucky ricochet, but Andrea Capone did not react quickly enough, so Kakhaber Kaladze was able to clear.

Lopez was booked for a cynical tackle to stop Ricardo Oliveira's counter-attack, then D'Agostino volleyed just past the near post in a debatable offside position.

Yoann Gourcuff's powerful free kick was off target and moments later Cagliari lost the ball in midfield for Oliveira to sting Antonio Chimenti's palms.

The visitors also threatened with a quick break, as David Suazo hesitated just long enough for Kalac to rush out and close him down. Oliveira again went close, as his volley from a Gourcuff cross took a deflection to rescue Chimenti.

After the restart Capone split the Milan defence, but fell too easily when going for the ball with Kaladze and was told to get back up by the unimpressed referee.

Chimenti caught a Cristian Brocchi piledriver, then there was a double chance. Giuseppe Favalli's cross found both Oliveira's header and a flick on from Clarence Seedorf, but neither got the ball on target.

Cagliari had an even better chance. Suazo nutmegged Dario Simic and cut back for Capone to balloon over from six yards.

Ronaldo and Seedorf exchanged several paces on the edge of the area for a left-foot shot deflected out for a corner.

Massimo Ambrosini and Andrea Pirlo replaced Gattuso and Seedorf, rested for the Old Trafford match. Within seconds Pirlo had sent Oliveira running with a long pass and the cross missed Ronaldo's foot by inches.

It was only postponed by 30 seconds, as Chimenti flapped at Cafu's cross, so Ronaldo redirected the ball in from six yards with his chest! It was his seventh goal in 12 games for Milan.

Substitute Antonio Langella was sent clear and Kalac sprinted out of his area to kick the ball away - Marchini saw the open goal and attempted an ambitious lob off target.

The Sardinians kept pushing and Kaladze clumsily clattered into Capone as he ran on to Suazo's through ball. The referee pointed to the spot and Suazo sent Kalac the wrong way to make it 2-1 with 16 minutes to go.

Oliveira almost restored the two-goal cushion moments later with his angled drive fingertipped round the far post by Chimenti.

But Cagliari's tails were up and a free kick was whipped in just past Canini's outstretched foot.

Their heads were forced to drop again, though, as Pirlo curled in a magnificent free kick from 25 metres. He swung the ball in to the very top corner at the near post despite Chimenti's attempts to block.

The Rossoneri had to end their game in 10 men, as Kaladze picked up a second yellow card for a shirt-tug on Capone. Nonetheless, Chimenti had to beat away an Oliveira effort in stoppages.

Milan: Kalac; Cafu, Simic, Kaladze, Favalli; Gattuso (Ambrosini 68), Brocchi, Gourcuff (Jankulovski 81); Seedorf (Pirlo 68); Oliveira, Ronaldo

Cagliari: Chimenti; Pisano (Semedo 88), Lopez, Canini, Del Grosso; Marchini (Pepe 77), Budel, Conti, D'Agostino (Langella 68); Capone, Suazo

Ref: Bergonzi

Sent off: Kaladze 87 (M)

for my reference  ---channel 4
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