It's not revenge, it's the 2007 Champions League final.
Billy這句話深得我心. 每一次都是一個新的起頭,活在當下才能讓心更加的自由自在.不過看到咱們家Paolo隊長有信心的接受Milan Channel訪問”Confident Captain Eyes Athens”,球迷自當奉陪到底.
隨著Final Countdown的秒數一點一滴的過著日子,看到一篇壯年網友的心聲,覺得蠻適合球迷做為信心喊話的….XDD.,手癢就隨意先低調的翻翻,等報備之後再來敲鑼打鼓!
18歲被拔擢為左前衛,Maldini日日夜夜的鍛鍊他左腳的技術,終讓自己具備熟練左後衛的技術,據說為了鍛鍊自己,他總是早到晚走的不斷的練習. -----2005/10/5某雜誌報導
媒體之前報導Maldini將在本賽季後退役.當時我還曾預測,「說不定歐冠將會是米蘭的呢」。米蘭今年的狀況很糟,當時很少人會做出這樣的預測. 我雖然想說我的預測很準,不過想到能夠多看到他在比賽中的模樣,我想這該不算是預測而是我的願望吧!
最近Maldini似乎又收回本賽季後就退役的發言了. 雖然他有著膝傷,不過醫生卻說他還能夠繼續下去。看過一篇Number的訪問,在今年義大利足球界最黑暗的狀況,反而讓Maldini滋生還要再奮鬥一年的想法.這個義甲史上最糟糕的賽季,卻帶來世界杯冠軍及Maldini打消退役念頭的結果.
我能看到Maldini身為AC Milan以及歐洲霸主的隊長,
舉起手上世界俱樂部杯的冠軍獎杯的身影. The end.
Confident Captain Eyes Athens
The countdown to Athens has begun and the Rossoneri captain has his eighth Champions League final in his sights
You can see that Paolo Maldini has the same winning air of confidence that he has always had as he talked about how he is feeling and what he is certain of just eight days before the final in Athens. During a telephone interview with Milan Channel, the captain relived all the details of a Rossoneri life amongst the victories, defeats and the good friends who have or will walk away from the game for the last time.
FINAL IN ATHENS: ‘I always believed in it, so did the coach and if we have made it so evidently someone else believed in it as well. We have overcome the critical moments of a difficult season. We reached optimal form in the Malta training retreat. Above all, we recovered all of our excellent players from injury. So here we are at Athens with the opportunity to write a new page in our history, with the possibility of reaching new heights. This is the joy and honour of playing for Milan, to always be able to compete at the highest level and to always have the possibility to win something. My balance of finals played says that I have won four and lost three, and there's no way I want to even things out!’
EVERYTHING TO BE THERE: ‘The question is will Paolo Maldini play against Liverpool? The answer is simple: I will do everything to be there. My knee swelled up after the game against Catania at the weekend, but that was expected. It will be treated with specialised work over the next days. The problem is just something that occurs, but I know that I can get fit in time for the match against Liverpool. The pain and swelling can also be eliminated with injections. I am certain of one thing though and that’s that I will only play if I am one hundred percent. Otherwise, neither myself nor the coach will have any problem in playing someone who is in better shape than me.’
THOUGHTS ON ISTANBUL: 'Istanbul is a defeat that still hurts, but if analysed it can be seen in a different light. Liverpool know very well how it went, they always had the feeling that certain incidents influenced the outcome. I bet that today the English are thinking more or less like this: we won’t win a game like that again, facing a strong side that scores three goals in the first half. We are more or less the same side that played in the final in Manchester and Istanbul, but as a team we are without a shadow of a doubt going to Athens in the best possible shape.’
SHEVA’S POSSIBLE RETURN: ‘Every player that leaves Milan regrets that decision, but at the same time the club never forgets who gave a lot to this jersey. Milan never has bad blood with anyone and I think that this is the secret and the philosophy that has made the difference over these years. From this base, it is easy to say that Sheva would always be welcomed with open arms.’
COSTACURTA’S GOOD-BYE: ‘Every time that one of my team-mates that made this same journey with me leaves, a part of me dies. This is tough, but it is part of the sport. Milan will be here forever but the people playing the roles will change. Like I have always said, this side will never abandon you and I think that a new and exciting experience is about to start for Billy. He has tried to understand how he can be useful to the side this season and I think that starting a coaching career beside one of your former team-mates is positive and fundamental.’
This isn't revenge
It is a special moment for Alessandro Costacurta as he approaches the final game that he will play in with Milan. Billy spoke about coaching for the Rossoneri and explained that the Champions League final isn't revenge
MILAN - Alessandro Costacurta spoke on Milan Channel about his last game on Saturday against Udinese at the San Siro. Milan threw a party in Billy’s honour lat Thursday and he spoke about that experience: ‘It was great, especially because it was such a wonderful surprise. Everyone was there, all of the people with which I have shared so much. It’s strange that it didn’t make me cry. My son was there, in front of everyone, and I was feeling it all but when I saw him I had to keep a stiff upper lip of course.’
What will Milan-Udinese represent for Billy: ‘It’s my last game, but I don’t feel sad now. Perhaps because I will still be here next year, maybe because the moment to stopped has arrived, maybe because I have had so much. I don’t really know why, but I don’t feel sad. I am enthusiastic about working with Ancelotti and also with these players. They will come to find that I will no longer be a friend, actually they already understand.’ Then a word about the final in Athens: ‘Two teams different from two years ago will be facing off. It’s not revenge, it’s the 2007 Champions League final.’