今晚在保加利亞舉行的決賽及銅牌爭奪戰 竟然
沒有巴西 哈哈哈
寶貝在溫布頓四強賽輸球後 球迷就明正言順的關心起其他球類比賽
FIVB World League Finals Sofia 2012
真的是緊張的要命 最後是Superb Poland send Brazil home
巴西敗給波蘭 無緣前三名 是繼2008年來第二次 什麼名次都沒有
由於週日夜晚 不想給Murray太大壓力 所以全部注意力都擺在保加利亞的排球賽去了
古巴在保加利亞主場 與地主爭奪久違的銅牌也真的很拼
在決勝局最後以15-13 驚險奪牌
基本上 沒有巴西之後 球迷當然會為波蘭加油囉
因為 因為 因為
波蘭這幾位小朋友都超級的可愛 哈哈哈 (這是什麼理由呀......)
恭喜波蘭 直落三局的擊敗美國首度贏得World Leugeu金牌(去年是第三名)
25-17 26-24 25-20 才打了1:29 89分鐘而已
沒有想到 美國竟然完全沒有招架之力 真是嚇了球迷一跳
這場算是倫敦奧運的前哨戰 波蘭踏出很大的一步
是說到了最後 巴西還是被球評碎碎念了
這次Sofia 2012 打的不好 如何在奧運重新來過 將是很大的課題
冠軍賽的賽後報導 白天再來看看囉
Superb Poland send Brazil home
Sofia, Bulgaria, July 5, 2012 - Fantastic Poland knocked world champions Brazil out of the World League Finals in Bulgaria on Thursday in a five set thriller with two of the best teams on the planet played astonishing volleyball but it all ended most unfortunate for the world No. 1 with FIVB Heroes Bartosz Kurek and Zbigniew Bartman top scoring with 25 and 21 points respectively as the decisive players in the 3-2 (23-25, 25-23, 23-25, 17-25, 15-10) win.
The match was promising great volleyball since the beginning. Poland took the lead at the first technical timeout but then Brazil went ahead. One great Winiarski was the difference between in this set. He was irritating 'kariokas' and they barely managed to stop him. However Vissotto and Giba have managed to surprise Poland's defense and brought a little advantage for their team. This seamed clearing things, but Ruciak made an equalizer at 22 all. Vissotto again was the guy who made Brazilians victorious in the first set 25-23.
And as it was looking that Bernardihno revived his boys after the stunning loss to Cuba, the second set became a copy of the first. Zbignew Bartman started pushing the opponents with some mighty spikes, well assisted by Bartosz Kurek. On the other side of the net Vissotto was the only player with attempts to keep the balance. Whatever both teams did – the equalizer came at 22 all again. This time Poland went luckier, when Kurek closed the set 25-23.
Bernardo Rezende tried to change something and ordered more balls for middle blockers Rodrigao and Lucas. This made effect immediately and Brazil went ahead 5-1. The advantage of Karaokas became even bigger at the second technical time out - 16-8. And then something happened. Kurek, Bartman and Nowakovski took the situation under control for Poland. Europeans gained after opponents easy and it was looking that they may turn around the events. Several unforced errors broke their wings and Brazil triumphed – 25-23.
It was Andrea Anastasi's turn to change something. He gave more freedom to Kubiak and did not stop Kurek and Bartman from pushing Brazilians down with powerful spikes. This kind of surprized Bernardihno's boys and they couldn't find the best cure for the situations. Polish spikers were smashing all of their hope for victory and literally blow away their hopes - 25-17.
Tired and frustrated, Brazilians just have not find the right way to stop unleashed red-white energy. Kurek kept scoring and with Bartman and Kubiak pushing, it was all most probable for Poland to throw away the World Champions off the World League Finals. Kill blocks and smooth defense were just supplementary for the style of oPlish victory – 15-10 in the tie break and a ticket home for Brazil.
The fantastic Polish performance just promised one more brilliant volleyball spectacle tomorrow when they meet Cuba.