以前最怕的就是南美球賽,常常都在台灣上午的時間開賽,若要上班,球迷怎麼可能觀戰呢? 這兩天的親善友誼賽也不知是怎麼搞的,比歐冠開賽時間都要來得晚,對球迷耐力的考驗可說是更大了. 基本上,支持的意思表達絕對是有的,不過看球的意識卻猶如不在…..XD


倫敦的冬天總是悽風慘雨多了些,難怪出身陽光西班牙的雷耶斯不想回來,因為那裏真的冷的緊呀! 米蘭也有寒冬,不過還沒見過Kaka在球衣內還穿上累贅的高領衣以禦寒,昨天Kaka就是那幅土土怪怪的模樣,總給我一種綁手綁腳的感覺,對於比賽我只看到C.Ronaldo戴上葡萄牙國家隊的隊長臂章,雙方的攻防不像在打友誼賽,而像是打著一場高規格的正規廝殺賽,一會你殺過來一會我衝上去,球員們的抗議此起彼落,裁判賞的黃牌也一樣都不少.只可惜夢中醒來看到的是葡萄牙的進球,其餘的時間都在渾渾噩噩的狀態中! 看來…英格蘭vs西班牙,最好直接棄權,選擇一個好睡眠對自己比較好!

官網上這篇名為 A True Captain的報導,當然是一定要收下來囉! 說巧也巧,隊長的Sweet Years剛好在宣傳Sweet Hits---“ Rhythm of the good living”而有公開露面的機會,自然就被媒體逮住好好的問著關於球場暴力與聯賽停賽的種種相關事情,結果就是….所有的媒體都報導著隊長的訪問,也等於在所有的媒體上免費的替隊長與Bobo的Sweet Years大作廣告了.真是一舉兩得呢. 





Paolo Maldini demonstrated his love for the game as he spoke about the future of Italian football
The captain spoke on the margins of a press conference for the Sweet Hits musical compilation CD, which is made up of songs that he and Christian Vieri selected together. Just two days after declaring that he is feeling good physically and that he hopes to play football for another year, captain Paolo Maldini once again demonstrated his fondness for the sport: 'Playing without the fans would be an absurd solution. I would prefer to stop for a week longer because playing behind closed doors would be the death of the game, although it is clear that those that have erred must be punished. The halt of the league and the national side were strong signals. From now on there will be a zero tolerance policy.'

He continued: 'This problem goes beyond football, it is a social problem. What happened occurred outside the stadium and it was a premeditated attack against the police. Adopting a mixture of the English and American models could be a good approach. The English have strict laws and, above all, they are enforced. The American model brings more families to the concerts and games. Often the tensions are not just tied to the game, but to a general social unease. In Italy there's a different culture surrounding sports, a loss is never accepted, while in England they applaud even when a team is relegated.'

For Maldini and many other players this was an unusual Sunday: 'It was a sad day and, on top of everything else, my son could have played in his derby. It is a player's duty to try and transmit sportsmanship and moral character. Our attitude on the field counts and when it's positive that's all the better.'

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