當看到Henry決定留在Arsenal之後,就希望Sheva會從這得到一點點的啟示,畢竟要成為一個球隊的旗幟人物不是那麼的簡單呀! 七年歲月飛逝,雖然重覓未來江山也不錯,不過,再回首時,固不能如PaoloMaldini之於米蘭,但能如Van Besten之於米蘭,也屬不易!
Henry最後的選擇一樣要留給後人說,不過當決心已定,Henry之於Arsenal就能永遠讓球迷所深記. Sheva說這週內要下決定,真的很想要他打通電話給Henry,問問他為何最後會下這樣的決定….好好思考一下,已投入七年歲月的地方,真的要走,也留不住,不過呀不過…..忠誠的確不能當飯吃,可是就算為了別的理由琵琶別抱,怎麼樣都無法擺脫那份濃濃的銅臭味呀! 當然,相信他不會為了這等事而轉會,不過有些事就是無法阻止人們喜歡在背後說呀……
去向倍受矚目的AC Milan烏克蘭人Sheva,接受報社的電話採訪,以一問一答的形式的採訪內容如下.
Q. Sheva, 下賽季你有什麼打算呢?
Sheva” 「我現在正在考慮. 24,25日我會回義大利一趟,打算那時再來談.我從沒說過我要去Chelsea,只說為了家庭問題,有這個可能性而已.」
Q. 在米蘭有從小孩從小就能唸的名門英語學校,你的小孩就學應該沒有問題不是嗎?
Sheva「不過,是我有問題啦! 我不會說老婆和小孩的話呀! 我什麼時候能夠學呢?在一個大球隊的球員是不容易保有學習時間的.」
(***Sheva呀Sheva….這種答覆實在太不夠意思了,人家Kaka先是學會義大利話,在接受訪問時也說他在學英文,你有空打高爾夫,就不會跟Kaka 一起唸英文嗎…這是什麼怪理由呀….這種回答讓球迷是很難理解與接受的呀….)
Sheva: 「我知道」
Q. 在AC Milan,這種事還是頭一遭呢?
Sheva: 「我知道. 也因此我現在正在探索著種種的可能性」
Q. 你的意思是球迷的熱情有可能會左右你的決定囉…..
Sheva: 「你在開玩笑嗎? 球迷的心情是非常重要的. 上週舉行的義甲最後一輪比賽,我在球迷區跟他們一起加油,讓我很感動. 我對米蘭球迷的心情是很特別的. 對於米蘭的所有所有的事情也一樣….我從完全不同的環境下來到了米蘭,我找到成長的必要事項,學習了不同的義甲足球,得到勝利,也拿到了金球獎, 這些都是我無法忘懷的事情」
Q. 大家都在說,因為在倫敦,阿布拉莫維奇(Chelsea老闆)為你準備了莫大金額的酬勞,所以你一定會轉會這件事呀!
Sheva: 「這不是錢的問題」
Q. AC Milan要說服你留下來需要做什麼呢?
Sheva: 「他們不需要做什麼. 他們已盡可能為我做很多了,是我自己需要考慮.也因此我才會來到科斯塔阿茲拉(地名)來休養,思考我自己的未來」
Q. 有傳言說,你在球員退役後,將會得到阿布拉莫維奇的後盾,在烏克蘭成為政治家,所以你才要去Chelsea呢?
Sheva: 「(笑)我在現役退休後打算成為高爾夫選手.要找政治家的話,希望大家還是去找別人吧」
Channel 4 news
Sheva sets Chelsea deadline
Andriy Shevchenko has warned he’ll decide by Thursday whether to extend his Milan deal or move to Chelsea.
“I am evaluating the situation,” he was quoted as saying in today’s ‘Gazzetta dello Sport.’ “I’m on holiday now and will return to Italy between May 24 and 25, at which point we’ll immediately get to grips with the issue.”
The Ukrainian’s future is hanging in the balance after he admitted that talks had taken place with the Rossoneri on the possibility of moving to London.
Although he has not handed in an official transfer request, the club has stepped up its work to keep him at San Siro by offering a contract extension until 2011 worth around £4m per season.
“I never said I had decided to join Chelsea,” added Shevchenko. “I only told everyone that I was considering this possibility for my family and the organisation of our future.”
The 2004 Ballon d’Or winner’s current contract expires in June 2009 and he currently earns £3.5m per season, although he has insisted a potential switch to Stamford Bridge would not be fuelled by financial considerations.
“I don’t know the language spoken by my wife and my son. When you’re a player in a big club, believe it or not, it’s not easy to find time to study English,” he explained. Shevchenko is married to American model Kristen Pazik and they have a young son, Jordan.
“I feel very close to the fans and was moved when I stood in the Curva with the supporters last week. My story with Milan is special and I found what I needed here to grow, learn a new type of football, win and become a European Player of the Year. I won’t forget any of that. Milan can’t do anything to convince me one way or the other. It’s a decision I have to make by myself.”
Vice-President Adriano Galliani has warned that the Rossoneri could force him to stay until the end of his contract.
“I don’t think we would reach that point,” added the former Dynamo Kiev star. “We have had fantastic years together and I doubt anyone wants to resolve the situation by reading through the fine print.”
Chelsea manager Jose Mourinho also admitted this week that Shevchenko’s arrival in the Premiership was an unlikely proposition.
“We would like to bring him, but he’s a Milan player and he has a long-term contract with them. Milan have the power, like we have the power with Didier Drogba, and my feeling is that they don’t want to sell and they will keep him. I like the player and would like to have him, but a lot of clubs want Drogba and they can’t have him either.”