英國的Sunday Times刊登Rino的訪問報導,其中提到Rino表白他有意願將要在退役前回到蘇格蘭流浪者隊.只因為他當初離開流浪者隊時,是三更半夜被吩咐離開,沒跟球迷等打招呼就偷偷摸摸的離開像個小偷似的,所以他答應屆時能夠堂堂的回到流浪者隊去退役.
(**謝謝Zefiro的Romi San翻譯官網義文版的內容,等有英文版出來再貼上來補充好了***)
「這是俺的責任、如果俺能學會閉嘴就好了。(*註:頗有自知之明)這次的問題是,記者們所寫的跟俺說的是完全寫相反。俺只是說…是流浪者隊給俺成為一名堂堂的職業選手的機會(註: 這句話使用的是”過去式”)、大家都知道, 俺希望在米蘭結束足球生涯。」
「在得到冠軍之後俺曾跟加利亞尼保證過、即使是另一個等級的冠軍(註:可能是意指義乙),當然這個名字是不能說出來的,即使真到了那個地方俺也會留在米蘭。那是和米蘭無關的競爭. 只要俺人還在米蘭,同時,只要俺還能對米蘭有所貢獻,為身上這件球衣而戰鬥,是一點問題都沒有的。」
「大家也都知道,俺很喜歡蘇格蘭足球的球風。不過在米蘭待了8年之後,除了在這個球隊掛靴之外, 俺看不到其他的可能性。」
「在最後俺想要說的是、俺是沒法子離開像米蘭這樣子的球隊,很難離開所有的球迷和聖西羅。在這個球隊中,某些年會勝利某些年會失敗。對於球員來說,米蘭所給予的是無法令人忘懷的。俺呀! 米蘭給俺的, 俺是不會忘記的。」
好啦! 歐冠開賽就在今夜….米蘭請不要再繼續抱蛋講和平啦….
沒錯他就是Vincent Cassel孩子的娘
….Monica Belluci…
瞧! 她還真的是有備而來呢…
豔光四射的 Forza Milan!
Gattuso: I’m not joining Rangers ( Channel 4 reported)
Gennaro Gattuso has reassured Rossoneri fans that he doesn’t want a Rangers return. “I will end my career at Milan,” declared Ringhio.
The world champion was strongly linked with a sensational return to his former Scottish club over the weekend.
But the former Perugia and Salernitana man has insisted he won’t play for the Ibrox club again following his brief stint there in the late 1990s.
“This is all my fault, I should learn to keep my mouth shut and not release any statements,” the midfielder told the Milan website.
“The journalists wrote the exact opposite of what I had said, that is the problem,” added the 28-year-old.
“I only declared that Rangers gave me the opportunity to play as a professional on their side, but my will is to end my career at Milan – as everyone knows.
“If this will not happen it will only be because I am no longer able to offer 100 per cent in my performances.
“As long as the club will continue to treat me as they do and the supporters show their affection to me as they have done until now, there is no reason for me to leave the strongest side in the world.
“You all know that I like Scottish football, but after eight years at Milan I don’t really see any other possibilities than ending my career here,” continued the World Cup hero.
“I want to reassure all the Milan fans that there will not be another Andriy Shevchenko case.
“I told Adriano Galliani that I would have stayed even in a lower Division that I cannot even manage to pronounce, I want to keep on fighting for this jersey.
“This is a club where you win every other year, I cannot forget what Milan have given me in all these years,” concluded Gattuso.
The ball-winner made his 300th appearance with Milan in the Champions League 0-0 draw against Lille in September.