.(咳!!! 當然我不是指Totti,而是說Ronaldinho)
最後對於鄧卡教練指名Kaka穿巴西背號10號的球衣,而讓以往頭號王牌的Ronaldinho穿上7號,而引起的議論紛紛, 埃德米爾森說明他的看法.
「這是無關背號幾號的問題.重要的是成為國家隊代表參賽. 小羅和教練及隊友都相處的很好.大家也都知道巴西的10號是很特別的.教練把10號球衣託付給了他最為信賴,同時也是以往長時間參賽的Kaka, 對於巴西來說這是理所當然的事呀」
對嘛….參賽多上場多,背號一直換也讓球迷常常要適應而安定不下來! 近一年來Kaka其實至少分別穿過三次不同背號的球衣上場過,這次國家賽事週穿一下10號,大家就鬼叫鬼叫,真是莫名其妙! 當然沒錯,先前Ronaldinho不是受傷就是狀況糟,不見得每次都被徵召或是上場,戲棚下站久的人有利這也是無可厚非,加上我們家Kaka明明就表現的可圈可點,這麼樣被人講來講去真是沒意思! 還是埃德米爾森說話公道, 「教練把10號球衣託付給了他最為信賴,同時也是以往長時間參賽的Kaka, 對於巴西來說這是理所當然的事呀」
這真的沒什麼好大驚小怪的,2006年世界杯賽後,巴西大大小小的國家隊賽事, ,Kaka基本上是每役必參,除了一開始被命令乖乖坐冷板凳當後援之外,每次的上場也幾乎都有不錯的成績.
就像我們家的Milan family…..找不到Kaka的照片一樣,沒辦法嘛…人家Kaka已成為阿曼尼在義大利的最佳形象代言人,也不好穿著D&G的西裝晃來晃去. 米蘭出外參賽時的團體行動也就罷了,這種特別的商業活動自然只能迴避.
今晚在義大利南方將有義大利vs蘇格蘭的背水一戰.,看到B組的積分成績,義大利真得不能太樂觀! Forza Azzurri!!!
Euro 2008 預賽 Group B
国名 勝点 試合 勝 平 負 得 失 得失
1 法國 12 5 4 0 1 12 2 +10
2 蘇格蘭 12 5 4 0 1 11 4 +7
3 烏克蘭 9 4 3 0 1 7 4 +3
4 義大利 7 4 2 1 1 5 2 +3
27日Paolo隊長傷後復歸.雖然在31日義甲第30輪對羅馬的比賽,隊長沒問題的可以上場,不過兩個膝蓋還是處在難以說痊癒的狀態. Paolo隊長雖然對於出戰羅馬充滿了期待,不過隊醫卻告訴他,不要兩場比賽連續的出賽.為此面對4月3日對拜仁的歐冠八強賽,Ancelotti教練也會細細思量,選擇不讓隊長在對羅馬時出賽時的可能性比較大.
聯賽拼第四都難上又難,歐冠又處處被人看扁,不過總而之, 至少米蘭至今還是有賽可以打.衝著這一點,米蘭球迷這回倒是有情有義,聖西羅的歐冠門票聽說銷售一路看好! 隊長也感到高興,鼓勵球迷給球隊帶來正面積極的影響力. 不說Ronaldinho,不談Ronaldo,我倒是喜歡隊長談到小土豆Grimi 時那種好像爸爸對小孩充滿期待時的感覺. 小小年紀遠渡重洋來到高手雲集的米蘭,要適應的事情本來就很多,不過小土豆肯學也好學,決定留在米蘭繼續用功,隊長才會開口說However, he has decided to remain here. I think that he has learned a lot and next year he will have his cards to play.’
According to Paolo Maldini it’s time for Milan to put their best foot forward, no settling for less than the best as they march through on two fronts
Paolo Maldini was interviewed on last night’s Studio Milan show. He took this opportunity to comment on the record opening day ticket sales, with 26,239 tickets sold for the Milan-Bayern Champions League clash in just the first day: ‘It makes you understand how important this game is in a season like this one. We are not in the fight for the Italian league title, but we can take some satisfaction for ourselves in Europe. The silence of the curva fans section during the derby influenced things negatively. If the fans are there to support us it will be a positive thing.’
Maldini continued by speaking about his condition: ‘The knee that I had operated on last year is doing well, the other one is more or less in the same situation as the one that was operated on. I started the week well, working with the team despite the problems that presented themselves after the derby. We’ll see how it goes. I also went to see doctor Martens. As for whether or not I will have another operation that depends on the swelling. If it continues as it did last year, then it will be practically impossible to go ahead. In any case, this year has been richer and more intense as far as the games go and the minutes played compared to last year.
Milan’s primary objective for the season, other than first place, is the Champions League and Maldini commented on this: ‘Bayern are the same tough opponent as always, physically strong. However, I know the side well and I think that they are absolutely beatable as long as Milan are focused and in good form. As far as the focus goes there are no problems. As for our strength, we have recovered some important pieces and, in a game like this, you gather all the strength that you have. I am optimistic about the Champions League.’
Paolo then turned to the Azzurri and coach Roberto Donadoni, one of his former team-mates: ‘I saw Scotland play and Georgia didn’t deserve to lose. I don’t think that Italy will have any big problems. Certainly, the round is now more complicated and it’s difficult to recover. Other than that, there aren’t any other problems of rapport or otherwise. It is normal that a coach like Carlo Ancelotti could aspire to one day become the national coach, but this isn’t about Donadoni. Now, Donadoni is adapting to the high level of pressure that is put upon a national coach.’
There are two important games ahead of Milan, Roma and Bayern Munich: ‘I hope to be available for Roma, but Martens told me to forget about playing two games back to back. I would like to be on the bench against Roma anyway. Bayern Munich changed coaches, but they haven’t changed much else. On the other hand, Milan played a great season last year and perhaps we were superior last year. However, in this moment of the season Milan must show what they can do and we can’t be satisfied yet. We must do even more than what we have done up until now. In regards to fourth place, it is closer than it was at the beginning of the season. We are a few points away from Palermo. It is difficult because Lazio are fighting and Empoli isn’t giving up. However the team’s minimum objective is to arrive in fourth place, taking into consideration the point penalty and the hurried pre-season preparation.’
Then a word about the market: ‘We are hoping to sign Ronaldinho because playing with a champion is easier and it’s fun. I said the same thing about Ronaldo. I liked him a lot. He is a champion and was different from the players that we already had. We must not forget that he is coming from six months of being almost inactive. However, now he is training really well. He could be the turning point in our arrival in fourth place, while in the Champions League it’s up to us.’
The captain then spoke about another new signing from January, Leandro Grimi: ‘He comes from a completely different reality. He is adapting but it isn’t easy at the physical, tactical and competitive level. I can understand how difficult it is for him, seeing that we have twelve amazing defenders on the roster. However, he has decided to remain here. I think that he has learned a lot and next year he will have his cards to play.’